Sunday 19 April 2009

Who was whipped and handcuffed while high on cocaine?

Gay escort xxxxxxxxxxxx denied any contact between him and Republican Senator xxxxxxxxxxx, who resigned rather suddenly.

According to the UK's Sunday Mirror, 19 April 2009, Natalie Rowe, a 'vice madam', has written a book in which she names FOUR top members of David Cameron's Conservative Party.

"Natalie Rowe will reveal how the men enjoyed degrading sex sessions which saw them whipped and handcuffed while high on cocaine.

"Two of her former clients are in Tory leader David Cameron’s top team today, while the other two are former Tory ministers – one was in the Cabinet."

( Tory scandal: Vice madam to name four top Tories in tell-all book / CUFFED & WHIPPED & HIGH ON COCAINE.. )

Who might these top politicians be?

1. Former prime minister Edward Heath?

Probably not.

Heath reportedly took an interest in cottaging activities in the 1950s.

And Heath is no longer with us.

2. Lord Melbourne, a British prime minister, enjoyed whipping people.

But rumour has it that he is dead.

And he was not a Tory.

The new uniform of the Salvation Army.

3. In 1986, a top Conservative called Jeffrey Archer 'was seen picking up prostitute Monica Coghlan.'

But Archer is old news.

4. Viscount Palmerston once attempted to rape one of the Queen's ladies-in-waiting.

But he was not a Tory.

5. Duncan Sandys, a Tory Defence Minister, was reportedly photographed having fellatio performed on him by the Duchess of Argyll.

But the photograph did not show Sandys's head. So maybe Sandys was innocent.

6. Ted Haggart?

But, we are informed that he is not necessarily British; and that crystal meth is not cocaine.

What we can say is that the security services probably know all the names.

Reportedly, MI5 used to run a brothel in Church Street in Kensington.

Young female or male company could also be supplied directly to a VIP's hotel bedroom... ((PROFUMO, John - Spy School Bios)




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