Wednesday 15 April 2009


Rakesh Maria, Mumbai's Joint Commissioner of Police.

A key figure in the trial of Kasab, in connection with the Mumbai attacks, is Rakesh Maria.

Reportedly, Rakesh Maria played a role in sending Karkare and colleagues to the area where they were shot.

Karkare was murdered after investigating the links between the 'terrorists' and elements of the Indian military and police. tells us about Rakesh Maria (How did Salaskar, Kamate, Karkare die?) (Role of Rakesh Maria in deploying Karkare, Salaskar, Kamte)


Anti Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare, Ashok Kamte and Inspector Vijay Salaskar were at home when they heard about the 'terrorist' attacks.

Joint commissioner of police Rakesh Maria, who was at the control room, directed Salaskar to the Cama Hospital.

On his way, Salaskar met Karkare and they headed towards Special Branch Office at Dhobi Talao, right behind the Cama Hospital. Kamte joined them there.

The three of them got into a vehicle.

They intercepted a 'terrorist'.

Someone sprayed bullets from an AK-47 hitting Salaskar, Karkare, and Kamte.

Cama Hospital ©Juli Garzon

Raveena Hansa, on 24 February 2009, at Tehelka, wrote about The Curious Tale of Mumbai Terror

"The earliest reports, presumably relayed from the police via the media, said that Karkare had been killed at the Taj, and Salaskar and Kamte at Metro...

"Later we were given two accounts of the killings where the venue was shifted to a deserted lane without cameras or eye-witnesses...

"A careful scrutiny of all the reports available so far suggests, to this writer anyway, that the killing of Karkare was a premeditated act executed by his self-proclaimed enemies, some of whom had prior intelligence of the attack on the hotels and planned their own attack to coincide with it.

"The operation in Cama, in particular, seems to have had the sole objective of luring Karkare into the lane where he was later reportedly killed."

Lt Colonel Srikant Purohit, from Indian military intelligence, was reportedly involved in organising several terrorist blasts.

According to Raveena Hansa:

"Hemant Karkare was engaged in unearthing a terror network with characteristics which had not been seen so far.

"The investigation started by tracing the motorcycle used to plant bombs in Malegaon in September 2008 to a Hindu Sadhvi, Pragyasingh Thakur; it later uncovered a cellphone conversation between her and Ramji, the man who planted the bombs, in which she asked why more people had not been killed.

"For the first time, the Indian state was conducting a thorough professional probe into a terror network centred on Hindu extremist organisations, this one with huge ramifications, some leading into military and bomb-making training camps and politicised elements in the army, others into organisations and political leaders affiliated to the BJP.

"One of the most potentially explosive discoveries was that a serving military intelligence officer, Lt.Col. Srikant Purohit, had procured 60 kg of RDX from government supplies for use in the terrorist attack on the Samjhauta Express (the India-Pakistan ''Understanding' train) in February 2007, in which 68 people were killed, the majority of them Pakistanis.

"Initially, militants of Lashkar-e-Taiba and other Islamist terror groups had been accused of carrying out the attack, but no evidence against them had been found."

Reportedly, Ajmal Kasab and 200 other young Pakistanis, after having been kidnapped by the Indian Security Service (RAW), had been under training in Indian Security Service safe houses for use in 'terrorist' attacks. (Ajmal Kasab kidnapped from Nepal before 2006: lawyer - ... )

On 15 April 2009, The Times had this headline: The Pakistan link: Mumbai terror detective tells of world plot

It was Rakesh Maria who interviewed Azam Amir Kasab, 21, allegedly the sole Mumbai gunman to be taken alive

Kasab is now on trial.

“In those first moments he was in our custody, I had just four questions,” Mr Maria told The Times. “How many terrorists? How well armed? What were their plans? How did they get here?”

...The police chief quickly got his answers: 10 terrorists armed with AK56 automatic rifles (the Chinese version of the AK47), pistols, grenades and other explosives had arrived by sea from Pakistan, Mr Kasab told Mr Maria...

His investigation... is enormously ambitious in its reach and many onlookers believe it has one over-riding aim: the establishment of Pakistani state involvement in the Mumbai attacks.

(The Pakistan link: Mumbai terror detective tells of world plot)

On 15 April 2009, we read: Mumbai attacks trial in disarray as lawyer sacked

The judge has sacked Kasab's defence lawyer because the lawyer has links to a potential prosecution witness.

So, Kasab has no legal representation.

During the trial, Kasab appears "unable to follow the proceedings."


The Mumbai Attacks and the Militaries of the USA, India and Pak ...

aangirfan: FBI : Ajmal Kasab has no links to Pakistan

Mumbai gunman Ajmal has been held by the Indian authorities since before 2006 - lawyer


Mumbai Attackers were 'Hindus' and 'White Men'


Terrorism: CIA attacks Bombay? CIA wants India to help it break up ...


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