Wednesday 29 April 2009



Vivienne Allan of the World Health Organisation said the body had confirmed that worldwide there have been just seven deaths from swine flu - all in Mexico.

(Only 7 swine flu deaths, not 152, says WHO -

The Truth Seeker - Only 7 swine flu deaths, not 152, says WHO)

Just 7 deaths from swine flu, but:

A venture capital firm is set to reap rewards on swine flu .

Firms that Look to Prevent a Swine Flu Pandemic, Turn a Profit - ABC News

Swine Flu: Who Profits? Clipmarks

Video from Leonard Horowitz. Leonard Horowitz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The World health Organisation has a number of Private sector partnerships:

Aeras: Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation
DNDi: Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative
FIND: Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics
IAVI: International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
IOWH: Institute for One World Health
IPM: International Partnership for Microbicides
MMV: Medicines for Malaria Venture
MVI: Malaria Vaccine Initiative
PATH: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
PDVI: Pediatric Dengue Vaccine Initiative
TB Alliance: Global Alliance for TB Drug Development
etc. etc.

Simon Jenkins writes in the Guardian about a panic stoked in order to posture and spend.:

"The avian flu mania... The media went berserk, with interviewers asking why the government did not close all schools "to prevent up to 50,000 deaths". The Today programme's John Humphrys became frantic...

"Meanwhile a real pestilence, MRSA and C difficile, was taking hold in hospitals... These diseases have played a role in thousands of deaths in British hospitals - the former a reported 1,652 and the latter 8,324 in 2007 alone...

"MRSA and C difficile are not like swine flu, an opportunity for public figures to scare and posture and spend money. They are diseases for which the government is to blame. They claim no headlines and no Cobra priority. Their sufferers must crawl away and die in silence."

Simon Jenkins: Swine flu? A panic stoked in order to posture and spend.

Why Mexico?

Mexico and the USA have not been getting along too well.

There is a trade dispute.

Mexico raised tariffs on scores of U.S. imports - retaliation for Washington's decision to stop funding a program that allowed some Mexican trucks on U.S. highways under a free-trade agreement.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon and other top officials "let fly unusually sharp remarks about drug consumption and possible official corruption north of the border."
(Mexico's Drug War: U.S.-Mexico relationship hits some bumps.)

Swine Flu, McDonalds and Huntington.


Lockerbie bomber to choose between appeal or going home

Lockerbie bomber 'deteriorating'

Lockerbie Timer Fragment Fabricated: Report - OhmyNews International

aangirfan: Lockerbie Evidence

Operation Ringwind and Lockerbie

The Octopus


Courtesy of Past Expiry Cartoon

Former British Ambassador Testifies On Torture


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