Monday 20 June 2011

Guest Post: Choices by Misa Rush

What a way to start a Monday off, with a wonderful guest post from author, Misa Rush! Thank you so much to Samantha from Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours, as always, for introducing me to the words of a truly fabulous author and thank you to Misa for sharing her wisdom.


Choices are a major theme throughout Family Pieces, so what better topic to tackle here. Just like in the book, life sometimes throws us curve balls and how we choose to deal with those often defines us. We can be flexible and optimistic or all doom and gloom.

When I set out to write my first novel, I, too, had choices. I could’ve chosen to have gotten a LOT more sleep. I could’ve chosen to quit after a few anonymous reviewers criticized a rough draft. I could’ve quit when my infant was airlifted via helicopter three hours after birth. But, I chose to keep going. Sure there were days (okay – weeks) I didn’t write, but I did finish. So my advice to those reading and facing choices in their own lives, no matter what the choice, is as follows:

1. Make the best out of what you have been given.
2. Be flexible. It may not happen the way you plan, but only good can come out of trying.
3. Keep looking forward. When the roller coaster goes down, it has to go up sometime.
4. Count your blessings and be thankful for each and every day.
5. Make sure to thank those who help you along the way.

As long as I’m the author, I’ll always choose a happy ending.

You can find out more about Misa here:

Misa Rush's official website
Family Pieces on Facebook
Misa on Twitter

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