Monday 9 February 2009


"US intelligence channels earlier this year identified a website (probably Mossad-CIA) calling on Muslims (Mossad-CIA agents) in Australia, the US, Europe and Russia to 'start forest fires', claiming 'scholars have justified chopping down and burning the infidels' forests when they do the same to our lands'.

"The website, posted by a group called the Al-Ikhlas Islamic Network (probably a Mossad-CIA group), argues in Arabic that lighting fires is an effective form of terrorism justified in Islamic law under the 'eye for an eye' doctrine...." - Jihadists Urge Arson; Australia Burns Deadly - Topix

Cause of investigated bushfires in New South Wales 2001-02 to 2003-04

Source: Australian Institute of Criminology. NSW RFS investigations data

Arson blamed for Australia's fires - the following is from Forums of Pravda.Ru

"There has been unrelenting war on the rural sector of Australia and it's been going on for a few decades. The rural sector has been decimated...

"The predominantly white Christian Aussie population has been under unrelenting attack for over 30 years and the last stand has been held by the people of the rural sector...

"The US boasted it had destroyed the rural economy of the old USSR or the food-growing areas of China...

"In the 70s and 80s Australian environmental experts stated clearly that the maximum population that Australia could support was 13 million...

"Keating and Hawke dumped millions of asians and middle-easterners on Australia, pushing the population to an unsustainable 21 million and rising...

"Chemtrails successfully dissipate and halt approaching rain...

"Are we going to be informed next week or next month that the price of bread must rise triple-fold because of the bushfires...

"You're unaware of the twin-agendas currently being run by the US: 'world famine' coupled with 'global warming'...

"Then combine that with the alleged 'global financial collapse' and the 'plague' scenarios currently being put into place....

"So, whilst the Aussie bushfires MAY simple be a natural and spontaneous, tragic event .. it's possible they may also be part of a wider agenda..."

Staged Economic Crisis Used to Fast-track Iceland into the European Union

Alarabiya TV and its USA agenda of media manipulations


Wiped Off The Map

Nae nukes here.

The Irresistible Force

Nuts Can Be Harmful


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