Tuesday 17 February 2009

Mike Russell and the break up of the United Kingdom

Mike Russell has been promoted within the Scottish government. Alex Salmond appoints 'minister for independence' .

1. According to Free Thinker "Michael Russell: Infitrated the SNP in '74 at the start of the oil boom...

"First Minister and SNP leader Alex Salmond has just promoted Michael Russell into 'his office' taking over constitutional affairs.

"Seems Mr. Salmond is thinking more about his garden up the road and may be preparing to exit stage left under some manufactured event.

"This promotion of Mr. Russell is the reward for giving Scotland's forests away to dubious un-named 'private' interests...

"'Thirs fuck all here', said wee Shuggie... 'drugs, cunts 'n polis'." - Russell's Been Promoted, that's the Referendum Fucked!

2. Mike Russell was elected as an SNP (Scottish National Party) Member of the Scottish Parliament for the South of Scotland in May 2007.

He has freemason connections.

He told the Sunday Herald: "I felt it was best to declare membership of the Freemasons."

(Minister steps down from Masons to avoid criticism )

3. Reportedly, Mike Russell wants to keep Scotland in the UK and in NATO.

(Alternative blueprint for SNP future: let's stick with the union ...

Russell wants to scrap anti-NATO policy

Salmond causes rival to change 'dangerous' book SNP.)

SCOTLAND should remain in the UK, says Mike Russell, a leading member of the Scottish National Party.

Is Mike Russell secretly working for the oligarchs?

Should he be booted out of the Scottish National Party?

Have the security services infiltrated the Scottish National Party in order to undermine it?


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