Friday 20 February 2009

Clinton; Indonesia; Chinese Intelligence Agency

Gentleman: Welcome to Indonesia.

Lady: Just remember we toppled your first two presidents, Sukarno and Suharto.

Clinton, Riady & Huang

The Clintons have a connection to Indonesia through Indonesian businessman James Riady, whose family has large interests in real estate, retailing, and media in Asia.

In 2001, Riady paid $8.6 million in fines in the United States for making illegal campaign contributions to former president Bill Clinton in the 1990s. (Clinton's Indonesian ties may face scrutiny Politics Reuters)

According to a 1998 CIA report presented to Sen. Fred Thompson, R.-Tenn., "James and Moctar Riady have had a long-term relationship with a Chinese intelligence agency."

James Riady "has ties with the American far-right evalgelical movement, particularly with the George Bush confidant, Pat Robertson." - Jakartass

Clinton friend James Huang has ties to the CIA.

"Huang, who pled guilty in 1999 to federal charges of making illegal political contributions to the Clinton/Gore campaign, had joined the U.S. Commerce Department after leaving a much higher paying job with the Lippo Group, a firm owned by Indonesian billionaire Moctar Riady, a close supporter of President Suharto.

"During his stay at Commerce, Huang obtained a secret clearance and attended more than 37 classified briefings with the CIA."



aangirfan: SUHARTO

aangirfan: Financial plot; Soros; Russia Iran Venezuela; Indonesia

aangirfan: Playing the Moslem card, to keep America's friends in power.

aangirfan: The Muslim Brotherhood and the CIA in Indonesia.

aangirfan: Indonesian Elections and Some History.



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