Saturday 28 February 2009

No Debate

REVEALED: 'There was no Cabinet debate in run-up to war,' says Short as Government refuses to release minutes

The Independent on Sunday, 29 February 2009, tells us Britain admits collusion, new torture claims emerge :

In 2001, Shaker Aamer, his wife and their three children left London to go to Afghanistan to work with a children's charity.

Shaker Aamer, 42, says he was rendered.

Reportedly, the Northern Alliance sold him to the Americans who moved him to Guantanamo Bay.

He claims that two MI6 or MI5 officers, a man and a woman, interrogated him after the Americans had beat him at a prison in Kandahar in January 2002.

He has told his UK lawyers that the British woman officer called herself 'Sally'.

"A few weeks later he says an MI5 officer was present while he was being tortured by CIA agents in an interrogation cell at Bagram air base in Afghanistan in January or February 2002.

"This time he claims a man called 'John', who introduced himself as being from British intelligence, was in the room when his head was repeatedly 'bounced' against a wall and he was told that he was going to die."

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