Monday 23 February 2009


Khan el-Khalili market, by Celio Maielo

On 22 February 2009, in Cairo, a bomb exploded outside a mosque.

The blast ripped through a street lined with cafes and restaurants in Khan al-Khalili, a market that is one of Cairo's main tourist attractions.

"The blast killed a French teenager and wounded 25 people, most of them tourists." (Suspects detained in Cairo blast)

"Blood stained the stones in front of the mosque, where worshipers had been conducting evening prayers." (Cairo plaza struck by fatal blast)

According to Reuters, at least one device exploded after being thrown from a motorcycle. (Bomb detonated in crowded Cairo tourist area).

Earlier reports had said bombs were planted under a seat near a cafe just outside the al-Hussein Hotel.(Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Three arrested over Cairo bombing).

Egyptian state news agency MENA, quoting eyewitnesses, said the devices were thrown from the roof of a nearby hotel. (Two foreigners among four dead in Cairo bomb attack)

"We stood next to the bench where a bomb would explode 20 minutes later." - Eyewitness: Cairo blast

"I saw a beggar. ... The beggar was terribly injured and he had definitely died. I saw his body thrown [about 13 feet] into the air." EGYPT: Cairo bomb witness recalls terrifying scene

The attack was the first deadly violence against Westerners in Egypt since 2006. As yet there has been no claim of responsibility.

Terror attacks in the past have been the work of Mossad and its friends.

In the Lavon affair, 1954, Israeli agents planted bombs in several buildings in Egypt, and left evidence behind implicating Arabs as the culprits.

One of the bombs detonated prematurely. The Egyptians captured one of the bombers and rounded up the Israeli spy ring. (aangirfan: Dahab, King David, Lavon...)

The March 2009 edition of National Geographic has an article about terrorism in Egypt.

Did the spooky people at National Geographic know in advance about the Cairo bombing?

The USA is not happy with Mubarak.

According to Joel Beinin ( It's the Empire, Stupid ), on 21 February 2008:

"In an uncharacteristically blunt criticism of the regime of President Husni Mubarak, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on February 13 that, "we have not been satisfied with Egypt's efforts" to control smuggling of weapons into Gaza through the tunnels under the border.

"Voices in and around the Israeli government have been beating the drums for a full-fledged invasion and reoccupation of the Gaza Strip as the only solution to this and other security problems."

Is the CIA going to use the Muslim Brotherhood to topple Mubarak? - Egypt's Opposition to Run in Elections

The Muslim Brotherhood, in 2005, won 88 seats in the lower house of parliament and became the country's largest opposition bloc.

The Muslim Brother is suspected by some of being a tool of the CIA and MI6. (aangirfan: The use of the Muslim Brotherhood by MI6 and the CIA in ... / aangirfan: The use of militant Moslems in Russia, China, India ...)

aangirfan: Will the CIA topple Egypt's Mubarak?

Sinai is part of Egypt. But Israel would like it to be part of Greater Israel.

Many tourists are now going to the Red Sea Riviera, in Egypt's Sinai.

The Sinai, which includes Sharm el Sheikh, is now Egypt's top tourism destination.

The problem is that the Bedouin, the largest group who live in the Sinai, have been treated badly by the Cairo government.

The Bedouin feel that Cairo has treated them in the same racist way that the Israelis have treated the Palestinians.

The Bedouin feel that their grazing grounds have been stolen to make way for hotels owned by people from Cairo.

The Bedouin have seen their camps and homes bulldozed by the rich guys from the capital.

And Israel may trick some of the Bedouin into involvement in acts of terrorism.

Israel would like the Sinai to become part of Greater Israel.

Matthew Teague, in the National Geographic, March 2009, National Geographic Magazine -, reminds us that this area has seen several recent wars.

There were wars involving Israel and Egypt in 1956, 1967, and 1973.

Israel took over the Sinai in 1973, following the Six Day War.

Some of the Bedouin say they were treated better by the Israelis than by the folks from Cairo.

In 1979 Egypt and Israel signed a peace deal, and tourism was able to develop in the Sinai, to the advantage of the folks from Cairo and to the disadvantage of the Bedouin.

Reportedly, in 2002, a young dentist called Khalid Al Masaid formed Tawhid wa Jihad, Unity and Holy War.

Reportedly, in the spring of 2004, Iyad Salah, a follower of the dentist Al Masaid, had recruited a small group of conspirators.

In 2004 there were 'terrorist' attacks in TABA.

In 2005, there were 'terrorist' attacks in the area of Sharm el Sheikh.

In 2006, there were 'terrorist' attacks in the area of Dahab.

Greater Israel is to include the Sinai

Retired General Salah al-Din Salim, an Egyptian researcher at the Strategic Studies Institute in Cairo, said that it could not be ruled out that the Israeli Mossad was involved in the terror attack in Dahab.

"The Mossad's ability to penetrate the Bedouins in Sinai is known," Salim said in an interview with al-Jazeera. (Egyptian analyst: Can't rule out that Mossad was involved in ...)

Dr. Abdallah Al-Ash'al , former assistant to the Egyptian foreign minister and lecturer on international law at Cairo University , was quoted on the internet site "All of the signs indicate that Israeli hands were [behind the attacks]. The area is close to Israel, and Israel was the first to warn its citizens not to go to Sinai…" [5]

In the Egyptian Weekly Nahdat Misr, Dr. Abdallah Al-Ash'al said that Israel "is interested in embarrassing Egypt and in hurting Egyptian tourism, just as the Palestinian Intifada hurt Israeli tourism… It is in Israel's interest that there be an Egyptian response to what happened, since it wants Egypt to join the American campaign against terrorism… It is likely that Israel recruited some people in coordination with terrorist groups in order to hurt Egypt… Israel's goal in this operation was to bring terrorism back to Egypt…" [6]

General Fuad Allam , former deputy head of the Egyptian state security service , said to Nahdat Misr : "None of the suspects in these bombings – whether Egypt, Palestine, or Al-Qa'ida – have anything to gain [from carrying out the bombings], except for Israel. All of the evidence points to the conclusion that the Israeli Mossad is the first and last to gain from this operation… As for the Palestinian factions, no one suspects that they were involved in this incident – except for Israel, which accuses them – unless the Mossad got one of these factions involved [in carrying out the attacks]." [7]

Muhammad Abd Al-Fattah Omar , former assistant to the Egyptian interior minister , said to "For every action we need to search first for who stands to gain from it… Israel is the only one who benefits from these explosions. This is due to the fact that the only two [elements] that can enter the area with ease are the Israelis and their agents… The Israeli right was going through a crisis as a result of the American pressure on Sharon, after the veto that America cast [at the U.N.] to save Israel from the proposal to condemn it for the massacres it is conducting against the Palestinians in Gaza. [Israel] had no choice but to undertake an action that would ease the American pressure on the area and would put the ball in the Americans' court, at least until the elections…" [8]

Dr. Dhiaa Rashwan, from the Egyptian Al-Ahram newspaper's Center for Diplomatic and Strategic Studies , said: "The events in Sinai were not planned by Islamists, neither Egyptian nor Al-Qa'ida… The one who gained the most from this operation was Israel, and the one who was hurt most was Egypt. In Taba there is no population from which an Islamist movement could spring, it has only tourists and security forces, and thus there is no Islamist activity in this sensitive region. In addition, the intensive security presence prevents the importing of such huge quantities of explosives…

"This operation is the [work] of a security apparatus, or else was carried out in cooperation with a major security apparatus, and the one who gained the most was Israel, and thus one should attribute [the operation] to Israel. For the Israeli security [apparatuses] it is easy to carry out an operation on lands adjacent to its borders and then to retreat into Israel, whereas it would be difficult for it to carry out such a thing deep in Egyptian lands." [9]

(1996: Gunman kills 19 Greek tourists outside Cairo hotel
1997: Nine German tourists killed in a bomb attack at Egyptian museum in Cairo
1997: Gunmen kill 58 tourists and three policemen at Hatshepsut temple in Luxor
2004: Bombings in Taba and Ras Shitan kill 34
2005: Two attacks on tourists in Cairo, leave three dead
2005: Bombings in Sharm El-Sheikh kill 64, mostly tourists Complete list)

The National Geographic appears to have become the mouthpiece of the CIA.

Just before 9 11, the National geographic was preparing maps and an article on Afghanistan.

If you want to know which countries the Pentagon is about to invade, look at the National Geographic.

The edition of the magazine, dated November 2004, has an article on the Geography of Terror. The article, written by Walter Laqueur who recently retired from the Kissinger Chair at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, seems full of obvious disinformation.

The article refers to a number of countries:

Ireland – the article fails to mention US financing of terror groups, and the allegation that most of the worst incidents were the work of the UK security services.

Europe – the article fails to mention the CIA links to the terror which hit Italy in the 1980s. Remember the bombs in railway stations that ‘were the work of fascist groups with CIA connections’.

Indonesia – the article fails to mention (1) the CIA terror used to topple President Sukarno and then President Suharto (2) the US training of the generals who have been associated with terror in East Timor, the Spice Islands and elsewhere (3) the links between the US trained Indonesian military and ‘Moslem’ terror groups such as Laskar Jihad (4) the alleged involvement of the Indonesian military in the Bali bomb.

Palestine – the article does not make it clear that (1) the Palestinians were driven from their land by Jewish terrorist groups (2) the Israelis initially aided Hamas in order to weaken Arafat (3) the USA supports Israel in its occupation of Palestinian land and defiance of UN resolutions and in its possession of weapons of mass destruction.

Iraq – the article fails to mention the body of evidence that Saddam was a CIA agent and was put into power by the USA.

Al Qaeda – the article promotes the myth of al Qaeda. It fails to mention (1) the bin Laden links to the Bush family (2) bin Laden’s Jewish mother (3) bin Laden’s death in December 2001 (4) the controlled explosions that brought down the Twin Towers on 9 11 (5) the training of the alleged hijackers at US military bases.

The National Geographic is supposed to be about geography. But what do we get? We get endless stuff about:

Archaeology – particularly in the Mayan world.


Biology – particularly fish and apes.


The articles are written in a strange style. The authors like to sound clever and literary but often they simply obscure the meaning of what they are trying to say.

The layout of text and photos also tries to be clever, but ends up being clumsy, like an american automobile.

Who advertises in the National Geographic? We get adverts for the sort of posh watches and posh cars which I could never afford.


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