Saturday 21 February 2009

Who’s behind Madoff?

Forest Hills, New York. (Photo by Complicated )

What links might there be between Madoff and the Jewish Mafia and Forest Hills?

Wayne Madsen, at Online Journal, 19 Feb 2009, asked Who’s behind Madoff?

According to Wayne Madsen:

1. Part of Madoff’s Ponzi scheme was Madoff Energy LLC and a number of other energy groups.

There are links between these and Texas oil and natural gas industry interests, "some close to the Bushes and Dick Cheney."

2. Madoff’s Ponzi scheme was part of a larger operation.

Allegedly, this larger operation involved top people from the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations, as well as the Russian-Israeli Mafia.

3. One of the investors in Madoff’s scam was the Bank of New York (BONY).

4. BONY was the subject of a Wayne Madsen Report on the activities of the Russian-Israeli mob:

"Forest Hills has been identified by the FBI as a major center for both the Russian-Israeli Mafia and Mossad and it is a place where the two interests often cooperate.

OPERATION SPIDERWEB was a joint FBI-EUROPOL operation in 2002.

It led to the arrest of 20 Russian-Israeli dual citizens on charges of money laundering.

The laundering involved the Bank of New York (BONY) and other groups.

Marc Rich

The money-laundering network included a firm called Benex.

Benex is connected to 'Bill Clinton-pardoned Mossad figure' Marc Rich.

Benex’s office was in Forest Hills in the same building where Grigori Loutchansky had the HQs of two of his companies.

"Loutchansky is a Latvian-born Israeli who laundered billions through his Vienna-based NORDEX firm.

"National Security Agency (NSA) signals intercepts have reportedly yielded intelligence on Loutchansky’s role in the smuggling of nuclear materials.

"Loutchansky also was closely linked to Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign through New York real estate magnate and Democratic donor Sam Dombs. . . .


Forest Hills was also the hometown of international diamond dealer Yehuda Abraham.

Abraham was convicted in a plot to smuggle surface-to-air missile launchers from Russia into the United States, four months after 9/11.

"The network was discovered to have links with the Viktor Bout weapons smuggling network and money laundering facilities linked to 'Al Qaeda' Southeast Asia affiliate Jemaah Islamiyah.

"Abraham, an Afghan Jew, was linked not only to Mossad but to the Saudi Royal Family."

Yehuda Abraham

Obama’s attorney general, Eric Holder, was the Clinton administration’s deputy attorney general who approved the eleventh hour Clinton pardon for Rich.

5. Another Madoff investor was Mellon Financial Services. On July 8, 2008, WMR reported:

"A February 27, 2008, truck theft of backup data tapes from Bank of New York Mellon Corporation’s Jersey City Shareholder Services unit has the hallmarks of an organized crime heist.

"Shareholders of the Walt Disney Company, John Hancock Financial Services (a division of Manulife Financial Corporation), People’s United Bank of Connecticut, and the Bank of New York were informed that their stock sale transactions may have been compromised."

6. Obama’s Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, is a former chairman of the Board of the Walt Disney Company.

7. "WMR has learned from a U.S. intelligence source in the Middle East that much of the $50 billion scammed by Madoff is now in Israeli banks and other financial contrivances established to secretly launder the ill-gotten loot."

8. "The Madoff Ponzi scheme may also be linked to the revelations by former Liechtenstein LGT bank employee Heinrich Kieber of secret off-shore accounts held by tax-evading politicians and businessmen in the United States and other countries, as well as the Clearstream entity in Luxembourg that involved allegations of a slush fund used to finance the political ambitions of France’s neocon president, Nicolas Sarkozy, and other right-wing politicians."

9. "Harry Markopolos, a former investment manager-turned-investigator, recently told the US House Financial Services Subcommittee that the SEC failed to take action against Madoff when Markopolos repeatedly warned the regulatory agency of the Ponzi scheme activities of Madoff, a former chairman of NASDAQ.

"The hearing at which Markopolos testified was chaired by Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-NY), whose 5th congressional district adjoins the 9th congressional district of Forest Hills and Rego Park, a nexus for Russian-Israeli mob activity in the New York City area."

10. On February 9, the SEC announced that Linda Thomsen, the agency’s top enforcement official, was resigning to 'pursue opportunities in the private sector.'


Original material copyright © 2008

Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report (subscription required).

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