Saturday 21 February 2009

Secret Organisation

Greek riots by Master of Puppets

Former Italian president Cossiga has stated that secret spy organizations (Operation Gladio / the Stay-Behind networks) were formed in Europe after World War II.

"Cossiga said Winston Churchill ordered the finance minister to set up a secret organization that would not be like the usual intelligence service.

"The English Special Operation Executive (SOE) was ordered to infiltrate among Nazis...

"The stay-behind network was formed in Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Greece and Turkey... Cossiga said similar organizations were established in non-NATO countries such as Austria, Sweden and Switzerland...

"Noting the organization in Italy was established in 1954, Cossiga said he was appointed as the deputy defense minister and also headed the fifth department, which was the special operations unit.

"'Only the prime minister, the minister of foreign affairs, the defense minister and the minister of domestic affairs knew about the organization.

"'We hid the organization's hierarchy chart in a safe. But as one of the founders, I knew everyone in the chart,' he said." - Former Italian President Cossiga says Turkish Gladio was unique


Terrorist (CIA?) death threat to Greek media



"Scotland Yard had to abandon its Stanford investigation because it didn’t have sufficient manpower to pursue him...

"Under the Bird family leadership, Antigua was widely regarded as one of the most corrupt in the Caribbean, with well-documented links to arms and drug smuggling and money laundering.

"In 1990, Israeli automatic weapons ordered by Mr Bird’s brother Vere turned up in the hands of a notorious Colombian drug trafficker.

In 2006 Stanford "was awarded a knighthood in a ceremony attended by Prince Edward...

"In 1999, Stanford willingly turned over the $3m from his bank after federal agents found it had come from a drug cartel...

"Stanford Financial Group donated more than $2.4m to more than 100 US politicians."

The Stanford Files: FBI’s first probe was 20 years ago


In 1997 Stanford International Bank was involved in a Drugs Enforcement Agency probe into the laundering of Mexican drug cartel funds.

In 1999, Sir Allen Stanford handed over to US officials over $3 million in drug money "which had found its way to his Antigua-based bank." It was believed to belong to the Mexican drug baron Amado Carrillo Fuentes, who died in 1997.
Sir Allen Stanford: how the small-town Texas boy evaded scrutiny ...

Why are the British & US Armies in Afghanistan? Part 1 - Heroin

Sarkozy faces a storm at home

MI5 knew we were torturing British terror suspects, claim Pakistan agents

UK agents 'colluded with torture in Pakistan'

New questions over David Miliband's property empire

Mandelson deputy disowns brother for swindling constituents in £650k fraud

Michael Ancram's mansion expenses. We catch more MPs at it!

Lord Ashcroft and more of his dodgy dosh helps fund the Conservative Party local constituencies - Electoral Commission sniffing about.

Dow Jones 7,365.7
FTSE 100 3,889.1

Planetary suicide: Indonesian gov’t foolishly pledges more palm oil...

Chomsky: Obama OKed Israel’s Gaza war

Iran not producing weapon-grade uranium: IAEA


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