Saturday 28 February 2009

The CIA in Malaysia and Indonesia; Hambali, Hasbi, Bashir, Samudra, Bali Bomb, 9 11


Reportedly, the CIA is active in Asia.

Allegedly it uses double agents and patsies in acts of terrorism.

Former Indonesian president, Abdurrahman Wahid was saying in 2005 of the Bali bombings:

"The orders to do this or that came from within our armed forces... There is not a single Islamic group ... that is not controlled by (Indonesian) intelligence."

Indonesia's intelligence services are said to work closely with the CIA.

1. History Commons (Complete 911 Timeline: Hambali) tells us about the Indonesian known as Hambali, who was said to be in charge of Southeast Asian operations for Osama bin Laden and the CIA.

Hambali is believed to have worked for the CIA in Afghanistan.

From 1991 to 2000 Hambali lived in the village of Sungei Manggis, close to Kuala Lumpur, in Malaysia.

Hambali’s landlord said of Hambali’s visitors, “Some looked ... white.”

Fauzi Hasbi

2. Living very near to Hambali, in Sungei Manggis, was Fauzi Hasbi, an agent of the Indonesian security services, who, reportedly, work closely with the CIA.

Hambali played a major role in the 1995 Bojinka plot, which is believed to have been an Operation-Northwoods-style CIA plot.

Operation Bojinka was a planned series of 'terrorist' attacks which was alleged to include the flying of a Cessna filled with explosives into CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

Operation Bojinka was abandoned after an apartment fire in Manila on January 6, 1995 led to the discovery by police of evidence of the plot.

After the Bojinka plot was 'foiled' Hambali continued to live safely in his Sungai Manggis house. (Time, 4/1/2002; Los Angeles Times, 9/1/2002) Complete 911 Timeline: Hambali

Bashir said the Bali Bomb attack was a conspiracy between "America, Australia and the Jews" and the three convicted bombers - Amrozi, Imam Samudra and Ali Ghufron - had been framed. (Cleric blames CIA for Bali bombing - ABC News (Australian ...)

3. Living near Hambali in this village were Imam Samudra (allegedly a key figure in the 2002 Bali bombings) and Abu Bakar Bashir, of Jemaah Islamiyah.

4. In January 2000, Hambali attended an al-Qaeda (CIA) summit in nearby Kuala Lumpur.

This summit discussed 9 11. [USA Today, 2/12/2002; CNN, 8/30/2002]

At the request of the CIA, the Malaysian Secret Service monitored the summit and then passed the information on to the US.

The CIA got pictures and video footage of Hambali at the meeting and already had pictures of him from a computer linked to the Bojinka plot.

In 2000, Fauzi Hasbi, Indonesian government agent, had a private meeting in his hotel with Bashir and the representative from Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), a militant group in the Philippines.

Indonesian intelligence had at least one other mole known by the alias Dadang.

A US Treasury press release in 2003 stated that:

“[Hambali] was videotaped in a January 2000 meeting in Malaysia with two of the September 11, 2001 hijackers of AA Flight 77 - Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi.” [US Department of the Treasury, 1/24/2003 ]

However, there was no apparent effort to apprehend Hambali, extradite him, or even put him on a public wanted list. He continued to live in Sungai Manggis until at least late 2000. [Conboy, 2003] Complete 911 Timeline: Hambali

Kuala Lumpur by Melancholia i

5. In 2000, Christmas Eve attacks in Indonesia comprised a series of 38 bombings in 11 cities and were directed against churches.

Nineteen people were killed and over a hundred injured. [Asia Times, 10/8/2004]

The al-Qaeda affiliate Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) was blamed.

In February 2001, the Indonesian newsweekly Tempo published a cover story suggesting links between the bombings and the Indonesian military, the TNI.

The article pointed out that Edi Sugiarto, who was quickly arrested and confessed to assembling 15 of the bombs used in the town of Medan, had long run a car repair shop in the province of Aceh.

Members of TNI and Indonesia’s special forces, Kopassus, regularly went to his shop for repairs and just to hang out.

Phone records indicated that Sugiarto called Fauzi Hasbi seven times before the bombings.

Hasbi is a leader of JI, but Tempo outed him as an Indonesian government mole.

In 2005, two years after Hasbi’s death, the Australian television program SBS Dateline provided additional evidence of Hasbi’s long-time links to the TNI (see 1979-February 22, 2003).

Fasbi also called Jacob Tanwijaya, a businessman well connected with the TNI, 35 times.

That businessman in turn talked on the phone to Lt. Col. Iwan Prilianto, a Kopassus special forces intelligence officer, over 70 times.

Fasbi made at least one call to another key figure in the bombings.

The International Crisis Group, an international think tank, later commented, “[I]t is hard to avoid the suspicion that someone in the armed forces must have known that at least the Medan part [of the bombings] was in the works…” [International Crisis Group, 12/11/2002]

Paul Wolfowitz was US ambassador to Indonesia (1986 to 1989). From 2001 to 2005, during the George W. Bush administration, Wolfowitz served as U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense.

6. Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), the Southeast Asian Islamist group, was founded in 1992, and it is said to be linked to al Qaeda and to the US-trained Indonesian security services.

One of the founding members of JI was Indonesian government agent Fauzi Hasbi.

Hasbi helped arrange JI’s first major meeting, held in Bogor, Indonesia.

The Australian television program SBS Dateline will later comment: “The extraordinary story of Fauzi Hasbi raises many important questions about JI and the Indonesian authorities. Why didn’t they smash the terror group in its infancy?”

In 2005, Umar Abduh, an Indonesian Islamist who worked with Hasbi, claimed that in retrospect he realized that he and other militants were completely manipulated by the government. Complete 911 Timeline: Hambali

7. On 12 October 2002, bombs exploded near the Sari Club and the Padi Club in the heart of Kuta, in Bali. 202 people were killed and several hundred were injured.

On 16 October 2002 Indonesian police arrested a former Air Force officer who confessed to building the bomb.

This officer was later released.

According to a news story in the Sydney Morning Herald, 2 November 2002, the Indonesian security services may have handled the Bali bomb.

"Some time around the 30 October 2002, senior officers in the Indonesian military HQ gave a piece of information to a military attache from a Western embassy in Indonesia - the source of explosive used in the October 12 bombing in Bali was the head of the counter-terrorism unit with the army's special forces."

The father-in-law of the officer concerned is Hendropriyono, who was then Indonesia's spy chief.

(The Sydney Morning Herald story has been removed from its website.)

Adm. Thomas Fargo, Commander, U.S. Pacific Command, welcomes Abdullah Mahmud Hendropriyono, Chief of Indonesia’s National Intelligence Agency, during an office call at Camp Smith, Hawaii, in January 2003 to discuss counterterrorism cooperation and mutual security interests.

Allegedly, Kuwaiti citizen Omar Al-Faruq played a part in the Bali bomb plot.

Al-Faruq was arrested in Bogor on June 5, 2002 and handed over to the US authorities.

Former Indonesian State Intelligence Coordinating Board (BAKIN) chief A.C. Manulang was quoted by Tempo as saying that Al-Faruq was most likely a CIA-recruited agent.

Al Faruq

A Pentagon official in Washington has confirmed that al-Faruq escaped from a U.S. detention facility in Bagram, Afghanistan, on 10 July 2005.

The airline manifest of Garuda airlines shows that at least two generals from Jakarta visited Bali three days before the bombings and that they returned to Jakarta one day before the Sari Club was blown up.

This was confirmed by armed forces chief General Sutarto, who claimed that General Djaja Suparman was on vacation, while General Ryamizard Riyacudu, chief of staff, was said to have gone to Bali for health reasons.


General Suparman is allegedly one of the generals behind certain 'Moslem' militias.

He reportedly set up militias to counter student demonstrations in 1998.

One of these militias, Pram Swarkasa, allegedly became Laskar Jihad.

Bomb explosions in Indonesia have have often been linked to the military.

A bomb at the Attorney General's office in Jakarta in July 2000 went off one hour after Tommy Suharto had been interrogated by the police.

The bombs were reportedly traced back to the army and a former member of Suharto's guard.

A spate of explosions in the capital Jakarta in 2000 included a huge car-bomb blast in the underground parking lot of the Jakarta Stock Exchange.

Two members of Kopassus (army special forces) were convicted and jailed for that act of terrorism.

It was reported in the Jakarta Post that convicted Bali bomber Ali Imron had been seen, in 2004, having a Starbucks coffee in a plush Jakarta shopping mall in the company of top police official Brigadier General Gorries Mere. Imron apparently also visited the Hard Rock Cafe.

After Amrozi had been arrested for his part in the Bali Bomb, National Police chief General Da'i Bachtiar had a face to face meeting with him. Bachtiar laughed, shook hands and posed for photographs with Amrozi.

Most of the top Indonesian generals have been trained in the USA.

Wahid on SBS Dateline: Bali Bombing 2002

This video is from SBS Dateline, an Austrailian news show,in which former president of Indonesia,Abdurrahman Wahid, points to the involvement of the Indonesian Military Intelligence and Police in the 2002 Bali bombing.

The Transcript of this program has been removed from the archives of the SBS, Australia's Special Broadcasting Services.



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