Thursday 12 February 2009

Saudi Arabia - You are next?

Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

The Obama regime's spy boss, the notorious Admiral Blair, has given us some clues about which countries may be dismembered by the USA in the coming months and years.

1. On 12 February 2009, Admiral Blair told Congress that bin Laden could relocate.

"For example, he said, al-Qaeda elements in Yemen now pose a new threat to Saudi Arabia, whose own efforts have been successful in killing or capturing most al-Qaeda senior leaders in that country."

In Pakistan, "an intensified campaign against terrorists has failed to subdue multiple insurgencies or quell growing radicalism in many parts of the country." - Official: Economic Strife Poses Security Threat to US

2. "In February of 1975 the London Sunday Times revealed information from a leaked and classified US Department of Defense plan.

"The plan, drawn up by the Pentagon, was code named 'Dhahran Option Four' and provided for an invasion of the world's largest oil reserves, namely Saudi Arabia." - (Who Really Wants to Invade Saudi Arabia, and Why?) - Who can Saudi Arabia trust?

3. A plan to split Saudi Arabia gives the Saudis the holy sites and us the oil - New Statesman - The secret partition

4. Bin Laden links to Indonesia, Jersey, Sudan, Geneva...

Video: Mossad in Yemen.

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