Saturday 28 February 2009

Time to kick out the supporters of the Police State

"Prime Minister ‘Mengele’ Brown, you’ve spent my pension, seek to track and video record my life... Your legacy on our country is that you have made the very rivers of life we drink the same colour as your muddied name." - The Nazi state of Britain

1. According to The Guardian, 28 February 2009 (Government 'using fear to erode civil liberties'), a series of conferences across Britain have heard that "The government and the courts are collabarating in shaving away freedoms and pushing Britain to the brink of becoming a 'database' police state."

"Gilligan, of the Evening Standard, said the planned communications database would bring an end to privacy and with it 'an end of journalism'.

"He pointed out that the only arrest in the case of the illegal shooting to death by police of the Brazilian electrician Jean Charles de Menezes was that of a journalist who revealed that police statements were untrue."


2. On 28 February 2009, in the Independent, Rory Bremner wrote:

"The phrase 'police state' is an emotive one, but when the former HMRC chairman Sir David Varney, the head of the Orwellian-sounding 'transformational government' strategy – the project to share information across all databases – says the state will possess 'a deep truth about the citizen based on their behaviour, experiences, beliefs, needs or desires', and former Whitehall security co-ordinator Sir David Omand admits that 'finding out other people's secrets is going to involve breaking everyday moral rules', it is time to start the alarm bells ringing." - Rory Bremner: Our liberty is on the line. It's time to act

Sir David Omand was the first holder in 2002 of the post of UK Security and Intelligence Coordinator, exercising overall direction on behalf of the Prime Minister of the national counter-terrorism strategy and building national resilience (“homeland security”).


3. What to do about the problem in the UK?

Ideally, we should kick out all the politicians, police chiefs, judges and civil servants who support the police state.

That means kicking out around 95% of Labour Members of Parliament.

4. Can judges be kicked out?

In the USA, "Judges in Pennsylvania’s Luzerne County admitted sentencing thousands of children to jail in return for kickbacks from a prison-management company.

"Judges Mark Ciavarella and Michael Conahan received a commission for every day they sent a child to private juvenile detention centres run by Pennsylvania Child Care and a sister company.

"The pay-offs came to $2.6m over seven years...

"The judges are going to jail."

- Penning up children for cash The lowest of the low The Economist

A Labour politician who went astray.

5. Can civil servants be kicked out?

Yes. They are our servants.

On 9 November 2003, Richard Norton-Taylor, the Guardian's security affairs editor, wrote:

"What has already emerged ... is the existence of a dark, almost Jacobean, cabal at the core of the Blair administration.

"It is a group of powerful, unelected people few would have heard of were it not for the evidence given to Hutton: Sir David Manning, the prime minister's foreign policy adviser; Sir David Omand, his security coordinator; and John Scarlett, chairman of the joint intelligence committee..." (There is a dark cabal around Blair)

Sir David Omand was among those to decide that David Kelly should be pursued for talking to the media about the Government's dossier on Iraq's alleged WMD.[3]

The people with the power to kick out bad civil servants and bad judges are the people in government.

What can be done?

A. In England, the answer is to vote Liberal.

In Scotland the answer is to vote for the SNP.

In Wales and Northern Ireland, vote for independence.

B. The UK needs to bring in a Swiss-style referendum system.

If a certain number of people call for a referendum on some policy of the government, then a referendum would have to be held; and the result of the referendum would be binding.

Perhaps even prime ministers could be got rid of by referenda.

6. Switzerland is not perfect but it is peaceful and prosperous, and we can learn from it.
Switzerland is divided up into cantons and towns (communes).

In Switzerland, the central government (federal government) is not given too much power; the cantons and towns have a lot of power; referendums are held.

The central government controls foreign policy, defense, the railways and the mint.

If the central government brings in a new policy, a referendum can be held to vote it down.

There is a six-month period during which a referendum can be called by any person or group able to get 50,000 signatures on a petition.

A central government policy can be thrown out by a simple majority vote in a referendum.

The cantons and communes control economic policy, welfare policy, the police, education and so on. Each canton has its own parliament and constitution.

Switzerland spends a lot on welfare and education but manages to keep taxes relatively low. This is because there are no huge ministeries full of useless civil servants, or bureaucrats.

Cantons and large communes have referendums and 'initiatives'. An 'initiative' is when an ordinary citizen proposes a new policy or law.


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