Sunday 8 February 2009

A very large number of Moslem Pakistanis work for the CIA.

In the UK, a very large number of Moslem Pakistanis work for the CIA.

"Intelligence briefings for Mr Obama have detailed a dramatic escalation in American espionage in Britain, where the CIA has recruited record numbers of informants in the Pakistani community."

(UK government suppressed evidence on Binyam Mohamed torture ...)

The British official said: "The Americans run their own assets in the Pakistani community; they get their own intelligence. There's close cooperation with MI5 but they don't tell us the names of all their sources."

The CIA has a dossier on Binyam Mohamed.

Barack Obama is under pressure from the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee to release the unedited dossier.

In February 2009, material in this dossier was blacked out by two UK High Court judges.

Reportedly, MI6 got UK foreign secretary Miliband to tell the judges to hush things up.

Reportedly, the blacked out material reveals that British MI6 officers contributed questions while Binyam was being tortured.

UK government suppressed evidence on Binyam Mohamed torture.

MI6 are seen by some as being a bunch of 'Nazis' - (Domville, Knight, Mosley, Blunt.)

All terror charges against Binyam were dropped in 2008, but he is still locked up and he is near to death.

Torture row: Binyam Mohamed on hunger strike and 'close to death ...


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