Tuesday 7 April 2009

UK Police killed man to discredit G20 protests?


This man died.

He was attacked by the UK police.

Were the police trying to make the G20 protests unpopular with the public?

Guardian Video reveals G20 police assault on man who died

Witnesses tell of dogs, batons and police attack

Scene by scene: police assault footage

Ian Tomlinson's last movements

41 seconds of video that raises serious questions

Editorial: A case to answer

How police view of Ian Tomlinson death changed

"Prime Minister ‘Mengele’ Brown, you’ve spent my pension, seek to track and video record my life... Your legacy on our country is that you have made the very rivers of life we drink the same colour as your muddied name." - The Nazi state of Britain

1. According to The Guardian, 28 February 2009 (Government 'using fear to erode civil liberties'), a series of conferences across Britain have heard that "The government and the courts are collabarating in shaving away freedoms and pushing Britain to the brink of becoming a 'database' police state."

"Gilligan, of the Evening Standard, said the planned communications database would bring an end to privacy and with it 'an end of journalism'.

"He pointed out that the only arrest in the case of the illegal shooting to death by police of the Brazilian electrician Jean Charles de Menezes was that of a journalist who revealed that police statements were untrue."


2. On 28 February 2009, in the Independent, Rory Bremner wrote:

"The phrase 'police state' is an emotive one, but when the former HMRC chairman Sir David Varney, the head of the Orwellian-sounding 'transformational government' strategy – the project to share information across all databases – says the state will possess 'a deep truth about the citizen based on their behaviour, experiences, beliefs, needs or desires', and former Whitehall security co-ordinator Sir David Omand admits that 'finding out other people's secrets is going to involve breaking everyday moral rules', it is time to start the alarm bells ringing." - Rory Bremner: Our liberty is on the line. It's time to act

Sir David Omand was the first holder in 2002 of the post of UK Security and Intelligence Coordinator, exercising overall direction on behalf of the Prime Minister of the national counter-terrorism strategy and building national resilience (“homeland security”).


3. What to do about the problem in the UK?

Ideally, we should kick out all the politicians, police chiefs, judges and civil servants who support the police state.

That means kicking out around 95% of Labour Members of Parliament.

4. Can judges be kicked out?

In the USA, "Judges in Pennsylvania’s Luzerne County admitted sentencing thousands of children to jail in return for kickbacks from a prison-management company.

"Judges Mark Ciavarella and Michael Conahan received a commission for every day they sent a child to private juvenile detention centres run by Pennsylvania Child Care and a sister company.

"The pay-offs came to $2.6m over seven years...

"The judges are going to jail."

- Penning up children for cash The lowest of the low The Economist

A Labour politician who went astray.

5. Can civil servants be kicked out?

Yes. They are our servants.

On 9 November 2003, Richard Norton-Taylor, the Guardian's security affairs editor, wrote:

"What has already emerged ... is the existence of a dark, almost Jacobean, cabal at the core of the Blair administration.

"It is a group of powerful, unelected people few would have heard of were it not for the evidence given to Hutton: Sir David Manning, the prime minister's foreign policy adviser; Sir David Omand, his security coordinator; and John Scarlett, chairman of the joint intelligence committee..." (There is a dark cabal around Blair)

Sir David Omand was among those to decide that David Kelly should be pursued for talking to the media about the Government's dossier on Iraq's alleged WMD.[3]

The people with the power to kick out bad civil servants and bad judges are the people in government.

What can be done?

A. In England, the answer is to vote Liberal.

In Scotland the answer is to vote for the SNP.

In Wales and Northern Ireland, vote for independence.

B. The UK needs to bring in a Swiss-style referendum system.

If a certain number of people call for a referendum on some policy of the government, then a referendum would have to be held; and the result of the referendum would be binding.

Perhaps even prime ministers could be got rid of by referenda.

6. Switzerland is not perfect but it is peaceful and prosperous, and we can learn from it.

Switzerland is divided up into cantons and towns (communes).

In Switzerland, the central government (federal government) is not given too much power; the cantons and towns have a lot of power; referendums are held.

The central government controls foreign policy, defense, the railways and the mint.

If the central government brings in a new policy, a referendum can be held to vote it down.

There is a six-month period during which a referendum can be called by any person or group able to get 50,000 signatures on a petition.

A central government policy can be thrown out by a simple majority vote in a referendum.

The cantons and communes control economic policy, welfare policy, the police, education and so on. Each canton has its own parliament and constitution.

Switzerland spends a lot on welfare and education but manages to keep taxes relatively low. This is because there are no huge ministeries full of useless civil servants, or bureaucrats.

Cantons and large communes have referendums and 'initiatives'. An 'initiative' is when an ordinary citizen proposes a new policy or law.

Main source: ISIL -- The Swiss Cantonal System


Jean Charles de Menezes was killed by agents of the UK state.

It could be argued that these agents of the state knew that de Menezes was an innocent man.

But, the De Menezes coroner has ruled out an unlawful killing verdict

"The jury at the inquest into the death of Jean Charles de Menezes will not be permitted to consider returning a verdict of unlawful killing, the coroner conducting the hearing said today.

"The coroner, former high court judge Sir Michael Wright, began summing up seven weeks of evidence by telling jurors they will only be allowed to return a verdict of lawful killing or an open verdict."

If the police and military had really thought de Menezes was a terrorist, they would have arrested him at his home (1) or as he walked to the bus stop (2) or after he got off the bus (3) and headed to the tube station.

At the inquest into the July 2005 murder of Jean Charles de Menezes at a London tube station, witnesses have stated that armed police fired on de Menezes without shouting any warning.

Menezes police 'gave no warning'

The police have consistently 'lied' about the murder of de Menezes, and there is a suspicion that the police and army knew de Menezes was an innocent man and that his killing was part of a 'strategy of terror' of the sort associated with Operation Gladio.

In the CIA-NATO's Operation Gladio, 'acts of terrorism were carried out in Italy' in order to keep certain parties in power.

Firearms officers had said de Menezes had moved towards them after they shouted warnings.

But Mrs de Menezes said outside the inquest: "None of the passengers heard the police give any warning or described Jean's actions as aggressive."

Rachel Wilson and her boyfriend Ralph Livock had been sitting opposite Mr de Menezes.

She told the inquest nothing had been said to alert her that the men were plain-clothes officers and that she initially thought they were just messing around.

Nicholas Hilliard QC, counsel to the inquest, asked her: "Specifically, did you ever hear anybody shout 'armed police'?"

Ms Wilson answered: "If I had heard that, I would have thought they were police, so no."

Mr Livock had told the inquest that their train was held up for longer than usual when four casually-dressed men with guns got on board.

Mr Hilliard asked: "Had you heard anything said about police?"

Mr Livock replied: "No, certainly not.

"I remember that specifically because one of the conversations that Rachel and I had afterwards was that we had no idea whether these were police, whether they were terrorists, whether they were somebody else.

"The thing that made me realise it wasn't a group of lads playing around or something else happening was when the first shot was fired."

De menezes

Mr Livock described Mr de Menezes' reactions when an officer pointed a pistol at his head.

"He looked as if he was expecting somebody to say something but he didn't look frightened," said Mr Livock.

If the police and military had really thought de Menezes was a terrorist, they would have arrested him at his home or as he walked to the bus stop or after he got off the bus and headed to the tube station.

It is believed by some that a secretive government agency was behind the London Bombings.

Operation Northwoods was a Pentagon plan to kill innocent civilians in acts of terror.

NATO's Operation Gladio involved acts of false flag terror in Europe.

There has been speculation that all the recent terror incidents in Britain are part of a 'strategy of tension' similar to that which brought terror to Greece, Italy and Turkey in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

If elements of the security services could catch and kill someone on the London Underground and then claim that this person was a Moslem terrorist, this would advance the fascist agenda.

It would support the idea that 9 11, the Bali Bombs, the Madrid Bombs and the London Bombs were the work of Moslem terrorists, rather than the work of the security services, using double agents and patsies.

When agents of the UK government shot dead the innocent Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes, the police claimed that they had shot a dangerous terrorist.

It looks as if there were (at least) two groups who were involved in the pursuit of Jean Charles de Menezes:

1. The police

2. A shadowy military group

Senior sources in the Metropolitan Police told The Observer (21 August 2005) that

1. their surveillance officers felt that de Menezes was not about to detonate a bomb,

2. was not armed

3. and was not acting suspiciously.


A police source said: 'There is no way those three guys would have been on the train carriage with him [de Menezes] if they believed he was carrying a bomb. Nothing he did gave the surveillance team the impression that he was carrying a device.'

It was only when they were joined by 'armed officers' that things changed.

The Sunday Herald, which often has the best sources on security matters, tells us about the Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR).

http://www.sundayherald.com/51372 / AN INNOCENT MAN SHOT DEAD ON THE LONDON TUBE BY POLICE . . .SINCE ...

The Sunday Herald, 21 August 2005, tells us about the monitoring of the flat in Scotia Road, Tulse Hill, in south London.

The address was said to be linked to alleged bomber Hussein Osman.( Hussain Osman - arrested in Rome )

Among the surveillance team in Scotia Road was a soldier from a new “special forces” regiment -the Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR).

James Cusick, in the Sunday Herald, wrote:

"According to security sources, SRR personnel were involved in the tailing operation that saw de Menezes leave the block of flats, board a bus, and then enter the tube station at Stockwell. SRR personnel are also believed to have been on the tube train when he was shot.

"The SRR soldier at Scotia Road (given the codename Tango 10) used equipment which sent realtime pictures of all who came and went from the flats. Those receiving the pictures could check them against footage of who they were looking for. One security source said: 'In this kind of operation you never leave. You need to pee: you use a bottle; if there’s no bottle, tough. You never leave.'

"The police account says there is no footage of de Menezes leaving because the SRR soldier had to relieve himself. The police account says he sent out a message calling the man who left [de Menezes] an 'ICI' – a white northern European...

"Hussein Osman – arrested in Rome and scheduled for deportation to the UK within the next two months – was not an ICI. The CCTV footage of Osman the police held showed an Asian/north African male.

"De Menezes took a bus to Stockwell tube station, stopping briefly at Brixton...

"It is also understood that the senior police officer in charge of the operation, Commander Cressida Dick, had ordered de Menezes at this stage to be detained before he went into the tube station and that he should be alive...

"So why was de Menezes not stopped before the station?"

Apparently, both members of the police and the mysterious second group were on the train with de Menezes. It would appear that members of the mysterious second group murdered de Menezes.

"A security agency source contacted by the Sunday Herald said: 'This take-out is the signature of a special forces operation. It is not the way the police usually do things.... this has special forces written all over it.'

The Sunday Herald points out:

"The initial post-mortem report into de Menezes’s death states the young Brazilian had 'vaulted over the ticket barrier'.

"A post-mortem report does not take its information from media reports. The police are contacted directly and written accounts are delivered. Details of the barrier being “vaulted” therefore came from the police. Why?

"And why at 4pm – five hours after the shooting – when the police would have known they had not killed Hussein Osman but a young Brazilian, did Sir Ian hold a press conference and insist that the shooting was 'directly linked' to the anti-terrorist operation?"

Photo by Caroline Ford (Wikimedia)


From the Observer, 21 August 2005:

"Questions have been raised about the accuracy of the police intelligence that led to the raid on the block of flats occupied by de Menezes. It was initially suggested that the flat was connected to the man known as Hussein Osman, who was arrested in Italy.

"On the Saturday after the shooting, officers raided the flat in a high-profile operation watched by the world's media. As a result, a man, identified only as 'C', was arrested 'on suspicion of the commission, instigation or preparation of acts of terrorism'. But he was released on 30 July with no charge, raising the possibility that the flats had no connection with the bombings."

Was there a plot to fool the public?

(http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/anthonylarkin.html / http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4706787.stm)

A passenger on the train, Anthony Larkin, told BBC News the man appeared to be wearing a "bomb belt with wires coming out".The 'man' was Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes, who was shot by government agents.


Commuter Anthony Larkin, who was also on the train at Stockwell station, told 5 Live he saw police chasing a man.

"I saw these police officers in uniform and out of uniform shouting 'get down, get down', and I saw this guy who appeared to have a bomb belt and wires coming out and people were panicking and I heard two shots being fired."

Is the Anthony Larkin named above the same as the one named below?


(Accessible via a Google search for Anthony Larkin, cached page)

Mr Tony Larkin lead scientist, MET police. Forensic scientist Tel: Location: Mile End. Expertise: Forensic Science


Anthony Larkin, the lead evidence recovery scientist with the Metropolitan Police...

Did elements of the security services hope to fool the public into thinking that the person who was shot was one of the 'bombers' such as Hussain Osman - arrested in Rome .

Hussein Osman, who also uses the name Hamdi Isaac, moved to Rome by Eurostar five days after the 21 July attacks in London. His passport was not checked by the British at Waterloo.


Operation Gladio and the 'strategy of tension' in Italy beginning in 1969.

Operation Gladio was organised by 'fascists' within the security services of the West.

Reportedly, the idea was to kill innocent people and then blame this on others.

Gladio was about keeping the right-wing elite in power.

Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra stated, in sworn testimony:

'You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force ... the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security.'

Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti revealed the existence of Gladio in 1991.

Parliamentary investigations in Italy, Switzerland and Belgium have given us a little of the truth.

The book "NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe," by Daniele Ganser documents some of what we know so far.

Run by fascist elements in NATO and Washington, right-wing militias carried out acts of terrorism and electoral subversion in states such as Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey and West Germany.

Gladio was the name used in Italy. In Austria the name was Schwert, Belgium -Sdra 8, Britain - Stay Behind, France - Glaive, Greece -Operation Sheepskin, Holland, Sweden -Sveaborg, Switzerland -P26 and Turkey -Special War Department. [Source: "Operation Gladio." users.westnet.gr/~cgian/gladio.htm]

A Pentagon document, Field Manual FM 30-31B, details the methods for launching terrorist attacks.85 people were killed on August 2, 1980 in the bombing of the Bologna train station.

According to the Italian Senate, after its investigation in 2000, the bombers were later discovered to be "men inside Italian state institutions and ... men linked to the structures of United States intelligence."

The Bologna bomb was part of Gladio's " strategy of tension" - fomenting fear to keep populations in thrall to "strong leaders" who will protect the nation from the ever-present terrorist threat.

The beginning of the 'strategy of tension' in Italy came in Dec. 12, 1969 when a bomb exploded inside the Banca Nazionale dell' Agricoltura in Milan's Piazza Fontana. 16 people were killed and 58 wounded.

News - Europe - Italy probes 'parallel police' .

aangirfan: The Bologna Bomb 1980, Gladio, terrorism in Europe

aangirfan: Operation Gladio: Template for the War on Terror


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