Saturday 16 April 2011

Africa Investment Forum 2011 Programme

President of The United Republic of Tanzania to Host 9th Annual Africa Investment Forum

The 9th annual Africa Investment Forum 2011 (AIF) will be held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on 17 – 19th April, organised by the Commonwealth Business Council in association with the Government of The United Republic of Tanzania, the East African Community (EAC).

The 2011 Africa Investment Forum will focus on the theme “Accelerating African investment”, linking Tanzania, the East African Community, Africa and the world. The Forum provides a platform to showcase new investment opportunities, enhance African trade and build new business partnerships. The focus will be on promoting linkages between African economic clusters as a means to attract new investment.

“We will be pleased to welcome investors with a long term interest in Tanzania and the East African Community to attend the Forum.” said HE Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of The United Republic of Tanzania during a planning meeting- with CBC’s CEO, Dr Mohan Kaul in Dar es Salaam on 21st January 2011.

“Tanzania is an excellent country to host this year’s AIF” said Dr Kaul. “At the heart of one of Africa’s most dynamic economic communities, the EAC, and with strong links to Southern Africa, Tanzania is a country with great prospects and perfectly placed to host the business leaders and investors that will gather for the event.”

This year’s Forum will be held alongside the Summit of the EAC Heads of State. It will involve high level dialogue on investment with the EAC Heads of State. Amb. Juma V. Mwapachu, Secretary General of the East African Community said “The EAC is delighted to be working with CBC on the Africa Investment Forum during the period when the EAC Summit will be meeting in Dar es Salaam.”

The second day of the Forum will include wider discussion of the investment climate in Africa, issues of enhancing regional integration and trade both in Africa and with the wider world. Alongside these areas there will sessions on key sectors across Africa including, Natural Resources, Oil and Gas, Agriculture, Infrastructure and ICT.

President of The United Republic of Tanzania to Host 9th Annual Africa Investment Forum

The Africa Investment Forum is organised by the Commonwealth Business Council in collaboration with the EAC Secretariat and the Tanzania Investment Centre. Please see details at

Press Admission is free but participants are required to provide for their own travel, accommodation and expenses.

For further information please contact Sean Leno:
+44 (0) 207 024 8209,

Registration Day - 17th April
14.00 - 17.00 Registration at the Movenpick Hotel

Day One - 18th April

07.30 - 08.30 Registration at the Mlimani Conference Centre.

This closes at 08.30 and delegates are seated.

Welcome to Delegates by Burundi National Cultural Troupe

09.00 - 10.30 Opening Ceremony: “Accelerating East African Investment”

*Hall 1 Master of Ceremony: Eng. Emmanuel Ole-Naiko, Executive Director, Tanzania Investment Centre

Welcome Remarks: Dr Mohan Kaul, Director General, Commonwealth Business Council

Amb. Juma Mwapachu, Secretary General, East African Community (EAC)

Dietlof Mare, Chief Executive Officer, Vodacom Tanzania

Introductory Note: HE Pierre Nkurunziza, President of the Republic of Burundi and Chairperson of the EAC Summit of Heads of State

Keynote Address: HE Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania

Guests of Honour: Heads of State from the East African Community (EAC)

10.30 - 11.30 Interactive Dialogue with the EAC Heads of State : Key Issues for Doing Business in the EAC

*Hall 1 Chair: HE Pierre Nkurunziza, President of the Republic of Burundi and Chairperson of the

EAC Summit of Heads of State
Moderator: Dr Mohan Kaul, Director General, Commonwealth Business Council
Introduction: Reginald Mengi, Chairman, IPP Ltd, Tanzania and Board Member CBC

11.30 -11.40 Launch of East African Community Investment Guide

*Hall 1 Dr Mohan Kaul, Director General, Commonwealth Business Council

11.40 - 12.00 Networking Refreshment Break (Supported by Movenpick Hotel)

12.00 - 13.30 Presidential Country Roundtables with Business Leaders

*Hall 5 Burundi Led by: HE Pierre Nkurunziza, President of the Republic of Burundi
(Supported by Burundi Investment Authority)
Presentation : Liberat Mfumukeko, Director General, Burundi Investment Authority

*Hall 4 Kenya Led by: HE Mwai Kibaki, President of the Republic of Kenya

(Supported by Equity Bank)
Presentation: Susan Kikwai, Managing Director, Kenya Investment Authority
Hall 3 Rwanda Led by: HE Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda
(Supported by Bank of Kigali and Rwanda Development Board)
Presentation: Mr. John Gara, Chief Executive Officer, Rwanda Development Board

*Hall 2 Tanzania Led by: HE Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania

(Supported by Vodacom Tanzania)
Presentation: Mr. Salum Shamte, Chairman Agricultural Council of Tanzania

*Hall 6 Uganda Led by: HE Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda

Presentation: Prof. Maggie Kigozi, Executive Director, Uganda Investment Authority

13.30 - 15.00 Networking Lunch (Hosted by KCB Bank )

15.00 - 16.30 Plenary 1: Enhancing Regional Investment & Trade: COMESA - EAC - SADC Tripartite

*Hall 1 (Supported by Ecobank)

Moderator: Rt. Hon. Eriya Kategaya, First Deputy Prime Minister of East African Community Affairs, Uganda
Sindiso Ngwenya, Secretary General, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
Dr Tomaz Augusto Salomão, Executive Secretary, Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Amb. Juma Mwapachu, Secretary General, East African Community (EAC)
James Cantamantu-Koomson, Managing Director, Ecobank Tanzania
Mark Pearson, Chief Executive Officer, Trademark Southern Africa

16.30 - 17.00 Networking Refreshment Break (Supported by Said Salim Bakhresa & Co)

17.00 - 18.30 Plenary 2: Public-Private Partnership for Infrastructure Development: Energy, Rail and

*Hall 1 Transport, Communications, and Housing and Construction (Supported by Trademark East Africa)

Moderator: James Gatera, CEO/MD, Bank of Kigali and Board Member CBC
Martin Oduor Otieno, Group Chief Executive, Kenya Commercial Bank
Frank Matsaert, Chief Executive Officer, Trademark East Africa
Geoffrey White, Director & Chief Executive Officer, Lonrho PLC
Mansur Ahmed, Managing Director, Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission,

18.30 - 19.00 Launch of the Commonwealth Business Forum, Perth, Australia:

*Hall 1 Opportunities for East African Business

Greg Hull, Senior Trade Commissioner to Sub-Saharan Africa, Australia

19.00 - 21.30 Reception and Gala Dinner (Hosted by Vodacom— At Mlimani Conference Centre)
Guests of Honour: Heads of State from the East African Community (EAC)

Day Two - 19th April

09.00 - 10.30 Plenary 3: Improving Access to Finance: Capital Markets, Banking and Financial Services

*Hall 1 for Business

Moderator: Reginald Mengi, Chairman, IPP Ltd, Tanzania and Board Member CBC
Dr James Mwangi, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director, Equity Bank Ltd (Kenya)
Murray Grant, Partner - Africa, Actis LLP
Arun Panchariya, President & Member of the Board of EURAM BANK ASIA Ltd
Karim Sadek, Managing Director, Citadel Capital
Vijay Kumar, Founder and Chief Executive, ZIPP International
10.30 - 11.00 Networking Refreshment Break (Supported by Zantel)
11.00 - 12.15 Business Roundtables:

*Hall 2 Session 1: Agribusiness and Food Security
Moderator: Dunstan Mrutu, Executive Secretary, Tanzania National Business Council
Mr. Ashraf Khan, General Manager, Azam Inland Container Depot
Tom Adlam, Managing Director, African Agricultural Capital
Mr. Felix Mosha, Chairman, Confederation of Tanzania Industry
IPA Presentation: Liberat Mfumukeko, Director General, Burundi Investment Authority
Africa Investment Forum 2011

*Hall 3 Session 2: Natural Resources: Energy, Mining and Minerals (Supported by Anglogold)

Moderator: Mr. Duncan Harris, CEO & Chair, GPR Dehler, Australia
Ami Mpungwe, Chairman, Tanzanian Chamber of Minerals and Energy, Tanzania
Godvictor Lyimo, Corporate Affairs Manager, Anglogold
Dr Moses Banda, Director, Kalahari Energy, Zambia
Razmik S. Tarverdyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Zarubezhstroy OJSC
IPA Presentation: Prof. Maggie Kigozi, Executive Director, Uganda Investment Authority

*Hall 4 Session 3: Transport, Logistics and Construction (Supported by Twiga Cement)
Moderator: Alfonse Kioko, Managing Director and CEO, Precision Air
Philip Mainga, General Manger, Business Development and Corporate Planning , Kenya Railways
Anthony Sykes, Deputy General Manager, Sumitomo Mitsui Bank, Europe Ltd
Dusty Lee Garus, CEO of Lodestar International LLC
Pascal Lesoinne, Managing Director, Twiga Cement
IPA Presentation: Susan Kikwai, Managing Director, Kenya Investment Authority
12.15 -13.15

Hall 2 Session 4: Tourism

Moderator: HE. Diane Louise Corner, British High Commissioner to Tanzania
Ewan Cameron, Chief Executive Officer Lonrho Hotels
Dr Aloyce Nzuki, Managing Director, Tanzania Tourist Board
Presentation: Mr. Salum Nassor, Executive Director Zanzibar Investment Promotion Agency

*Hall 3 Session 5: Health
Moderator: Dr Mwele Malecela, Director General, National Institute of Medical Research, Tanzania
Andy C. Wilson, Vice-President, Abbott Fund Tanzania
Mr Richard Kasesela, President/Chairman, Pan Africa Business Coalition
Dr Jean Nyirimwaya, Owner, Hospital Croix du Sud, Rwanda

*Hall 4 Session 6: Women in Business

Moderator: Prof. Maggie Kigozi, Executive Director, Uganda Investment Authority
Jane Kyando Kiunsi, International Marketer, Federation of Association for Women Entrepreneurs, Tanzania
Ms Perez Ochieng, Chief Executive Officer, SACOMA, United Kingdom
Margaret Chacha, Managing Director, Women’s Bank of Tanzania

13.15 -14.30 Networking Lunch (Hosted by Trademark Southern Africa)

14.30 - 15.45 Business Roundtables:

*Hall 2 Session 7: Entrepreneurship, Venture capital for SMEs, Development and Microfinance
Moderator: James Mulwana, Chairman, Nice House of Plastics Ltd, Uganda and Board Member CBC
Hon. Tjekero Tweyo, Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Namibia
Eric-Vincent Guichard, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, GRAVITAS Capital Advisors, Inc
Jameel Verjee, Founder, Diar Capital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Dr. Donath R. Olomi, Chairman, Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development

Africa Investment Forum 2011
Programme Africa Investment Forum 2011

*Hall 3 Session 8: Manufacturing, Consumer Goods, Research and Development (Supported by Nakumatt)
Moderator: Ms Susan Kikwai, Managing Director, Kenya Investment Authority
Robin Goetzsche, Managing Director, Tanzania Breweries
Neel Shah, Managing Director, Nakumatt
Dr Honest Ngowi, Senior Lecturer Economics, Mzumbe University, Tanzania

*Hall 4 Session 9: BPO / ICT

Moderator: John Gara, Chief Executive Officer, Rwanda Development Board
Ashish Thakkar, Managing Director, Mara Group
Dietlof Mare, Chief Executive Officer, Vodacom Tanzania
Juma Rajabu Furaji, Managing Director, MAXCOM Africa

15.45 - 16.15 Concluding Session
*Hall 1 Eng. Emmanuel Ole-Naiko, Executive Director, Tanzania Investment Centre
Gregor MacKinnon, Managing Director, Commonwealth Business Council

Forum Communiqué : Presided over by: Rt Hon Mizengo Pinda, Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania

Networking Refreshment Break (Supported by Tigo)

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