Monday 18 April 2011

Monday, Monday, Monday!!

It’s a SCREAM, baby!

I am a notorious chicken when it comes to horror movies. I don’t like being scared. (However, morbid curiosity makes me watch many horror movies at home and then regret it.) However, I absolutely love the “Scream” series and couldn’t wait to see Scre4m (Scream 4). Saturday I decided to take in the matinee showing of the movie since it was going one of two ways – It was either going to live up to the hype the previous three carried with them or it was going to suck. I will happily pay matinee pricing for a movie I’m undecided on. It lived up to the hype! The right amount of “make you jump” moments, just enough gore, and enough suspects to keep you guessing.

RIP “All My Children” and “One Life to Live”

I’m still a bit shocked and saddened that ABC decided to cancel both of those long running soap operas. There are only 4 left standing. While I don’t watch either of these two shows anymore, they both have extremely talented casts that I have enjoyed in the past. I feel sorry for the actors, writers, producers, and crew. Especially “All My Children” that were moved to CA from NY last year and now are going to be without jobs come September. Sad days for the remaining daytime dramas.

Here comes Peter Cottontail

Easter is this Sunday and hmm, again, I have not bought any sort of holiday cards to send out. I used to be really good about sending holiday cards out to a few people each holiday, at least. Not lately. But I do need to go buy Tyson his annual Easter Peep. He only gets one, he only gets it for about 5 minutes, and then it goes to the garbage. But it makes my cranky kitty so happy to have it.

Here kitty, kitty!

Earth Day is this Friday, April 22nd. And the next in the line of Disney Nature movies is “African Cats”. I can’t wait to see this and please support their great cause and go see Disney’s movie. Come on, how cute are the babies!

Disney Nature presents: African Cats

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