Arifinto, linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.
On 11 April 2011, we learn that, in Indonesia, an anti-porn Member of Parliament has resigned.
He was caught watching porn during a parliamentary debate.
Indonesian MP resigns after being caught watching porn during parliament debate
Arifinto, a member of the Islamic Prosperous Justice Party, helped pass a tough anti-pornography law.
A photographer took pictures of Arifanto gazing at porn.
Most Indonesian Moslems are moderate and liberal.
But, reportedly, the Saudis have been pouring money into the CIA-linked extremists.
The extremists have pushed through several nut-case laws, including the pornography law.
Indonesians can be jailed for up to 15 years, or fined, for kissing in public, exposure of a woman's bits and pieces or displaying erotic art.
In January 2011, the anti-porn law was used to jail Nazril 'Ariel' Irham, lead singer of Indonesia's most popular band Peterpan, after two home-made sex tapes appeared on the internet.
Hidayat Nur Wahid, founder of Indonesian radical Islamic Prosperous Justice Party PKS (Indonesian Democracy’s Enemy Within)
When the CIA was trying to frustrate democracy in Central America, they used Moslem money, from the Saudis. (Cached)
In Indonesia, money from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf has been financing mosques and preachers demanding a 'purer' form of Islam. (Indonesian Democracy’s Enemy Within)
Beginning in the 1970s, "activists linked to the Saudi-sponsored Islamic World League began indoctrinating small groups at the prestigious Bandung Institute of Technology with Brotherhood materials". (Indonesian Democracy’s Enemy Within)
In 1998, there was the possibility that Indonesia would change its government and become a democracy like Malaysia, where there is no miserable poverty.
Unfortunately, Indonesia's American-trained military hijacked the 1998 protest movement.
The May 1998 riots which toppled Suharto were organised by the military; certain Chinese people were made the scapegoats for all of Indonesia's problems; most of the old elite, consisting of generals, Chinese-Indonesian businessmen, religious leaders and politicians, remained in power; certain factions within the elite lost out.
Now sections of the elite are using Islam to frustrate democracy.
Indonesia's Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 'is Indonesia's version of the Muslim Brotherhood'. (Playing with Fire in Indonesia).
"According to CIA agent Miles Copeland... the CIA began to cooperate with the Muslim Brotherhood... This signalled the beginning of an alliance between the traditional regimes and mass Islamic movements against Nasser and other secular forces." (aangirfan: The use of the Muslim Brotherhood by MI6 and the CIA in ...)
Why do some poor Indonesians vote for the PKS? They are fed up with "corruption, poor public services, poverty, and the perceived lack of real political choice." (Playing with Fire in Indonesia)
The PKS have been friends with Indonesia's president Yudhoyono, a former Suharto general.
Reportedly, the "founding manifesto" of the Justice Party that went on to become the PKS, called for the creation of an Islamic caliphate. (Indonesian Democracy’s Enemy Within)
According to Walter Lohman, "The Indonesian political elite... believe they can turn the PKS's success to their own advantage..." (Playing with Fire in Indonesia)
Why might the CIA be helping the PKS?
Walter Lohman (Playing with Fire in Indonesia) reminds us of "the threat of a burgeoning Chinese presence in Asia."
A Saudi-style Indonesia will have no love for China, and may side with the USA in countering it.
An independent-minded democratic Indonesia might not side with the USA.
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