Thursday 16 June 2011

The sad Ahmed Albaity's story

Ahmed Albaity.
On 6th July 2007 was a wonderful and joyious day for me. My mother was flying to Abu she asked me to accompany her to Dar es salaam airport .on 7th July, My mother left.
On Sunday 8th July,early in the morning i left Dar and by noon, was already in Tanga. Here in Tanga we had this group known as combat riders so i had to let my friends know that i was in Tanga.
In knowing that i was around,my friends immediately organized a walk to the shores of the Indian ocean where we normally used to go for physical exercise mostly karate. So i got myself ready n straight to my friends and at exactly 5pm we were already at the beach. we went straight to Raskazone Swimming Club ready for a warm up swim.
From nowhere i had this feeling of not having a swim, and besides i was a bit tired following a long safari i had hours ago.but as u know friends always so insisting,i decided to join them and couldn’t bring myself to let them down.As they say cold water can bring back unconcious to concious.and really,water made me a whole new self again. Sometimes later we decided to dive.
Since there wasn’t a bar up high from which we can dive towards the water,so we thought that one should climb over one’s shoulders and take a dive from i went first. I did great and so our karate teacher asked me to go for the second time so that the others would learn from me.This time i did go faster n harder than before.
Accidentally i badly hit my head to the ocean floor since we were diving into shallow water. Abruptly i felt my whole body being electrified.while still in the water and concious i tried to swim off the water but my hands couldn’t move,not knowing what to do,i again tried to move myself but my whole body including my legs failed me.that was when i realized that i was badly hurt and couldn’t save myself.
So i was lying on water face down like a floating thing seeing me still floating, a friend of mine whose shoulders i used for diving, thought i was teasing them so he came pulling me by the arm while telling others to get ready for their turn seeing me not responding, one of my friend realized that i wasn’t joking at all, then he came and tried to stand me up but I was slippery as a fish on him.
The whole body was as if saying to him “we are being disconnected from the mind”. Seeing me at that condition, he was to some extent sent aback and scared too because he knew that i was really hurt. When he turned me up ( facing him) ,voicelessly told him that i was badly hurt. From the tone of my voice, was clear that i wasn’t okay. From there, the rest of my friends n other people carried me out of water and hurriedly took me to Bombo hospital, one and only regional hospital here in Tanga.
On the way to the hospital i asked my friends not to mention a thing to my mother, mostly i feared that she might not take it or being heart attacked. At Bombo hospital, they exami
ned me and realized that the situation was critical and therefore i had to be transferred to Muhimbili hospital(National hospital ) in Dar es salaam. On Monday afternoon i was on ma way to Dar.
It should be remembered that,at that moment, couldn’t feel my body n couldn’t move even a finger. In around 11 pm we were already in Muhimbili.The doctors started doing traction procedures right away.i was holed on the left n right side Of my head with heavy objects of 14 kg purposely for pulling out my neck. I stayed with those 14 kgs for two weeks.
Then they removed them. I didn’t expect to be hurt this bad.i had thought that ones the traction procedure had been conducted i would walk again but no. All this time mum had not been informed. When she called that is when i decided to tell her what really happened n that the whole of my body was off.( quadriplegia) my mother was really shocked and cried a lot and so my other relatives. I stayed in Muhimbili for two months without any minor recovery.
Since my family was financially weak and couldn’t afford the costs ,i had to be returned to Tanga. After one month, my family got some sponsors who willingly flew me to India. The date was 1.01.2008. When i got there the doctors did neck surgery and that is when my voice came loudly as before. This really gave me hope that somehow i will be okay.but couldn’t give it a hundred percent. They also succeeded to treat the bed sores that were as a result of sleeping for a long time without moving.But the rest of my body was function less.
In India i was admitted to SAIFEE hospital in Mumbai where i stayed for 24 days. From there i was, returned back to Tanzania to proceed with treatment and physical exercise(Physiotherapy), i was told to return to India after six months time but like i said before, money wise my family isn’t good, so i didn’t go as suggested by doctors.
As for my sponsors,they refused as they noticed that there was no any positive development on my body, others even dared to say “why should we waste our money on someone who will never be wholly again?” Back here in Tanga i got seriously sick. That is when i was taken to Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre(KCMC) in Moshi. Dr. Maya who is in the Orthopedic department was the one attended me, the date was 26th August 2008. I stayed there receiving
Ahmed with beloved ones who visit him now and then. They are from left Singer Shaa, TV presenter Salma and Muss (also TV presenter) with Hip Hop Star Fid Q
treatment mostly on malaria and bed sores. While i was there, Dr. Maya said that there is a possibility for me to be treated and so he told me to contact Dr. Chefarzt Dogmaskopp who is in Berlin,  Germany,  in VIVANTES KLINIKUM IN FRIEDRICHSHAIN.
According to that doctor, the cost for treatment in Germany is extremely high. As i said before, personally can’t afford, so right now i have lost hope unless good Samaritans volunteer to help me get the treatment required, and Insha’allah God ,the almighty will bless them in whatever they touch.
Ahmed at the Hospital.
All i can say to whoever reads this, i am a helpless person in everything: eating, bathing, tending myself and other physical activities.
So i hope there are good caring and loving people who would love to see or hear that i have recovered completely. Your prayers are also important.
Whoever would like to help in anyway, would contact me through the email address:

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