Friday 23 December 2011


Ron Paul "believes the United States should shed its role as the world’s policeman and focus instead on its internal economic problems.

"Representative Ron Paul of Texas says he would cut a trillion dollars out of the federal budget his first year as president, in part by ending all foreign wars and foreign aid, including to Israel."

Ron Paul's foreign policy views draw support.

We have previously pointed out that Ron Paul was once a fan of Ronald Reagan.

'Michael'', in a comment on this blog, points out that Ron Paul has criticised Ronald Reagan:

Flashback 1987: Ron Paul Trashes Ronald Reagan Pensito Review

Letter written by Ron Paul:

"President Reagan... failed to exercise his constitutional responsibility to veto spending.

"Instead, he has encouraged it...

"America will suffer from a Reaganomics that is nothing but warmed-over Keynesianism...

"Reagan ... reneged ... on his pledge to abolish the Departments of Education and Energy, or to work against abortion...

"Knowing this administration’s record, I wasn’t surprised by its Libyan disinformation campaign, Israeli-Iranian arms-for-hostages swap, or illegal funding of the Contras."

Ron Paul's mentor Murray Rothbard on "the myth of criminal Reagan being conservative."

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