Thursday 15 December 2011


South of France

You can't live properly on $16 an hour.

"The Center for Automotive Research ... said it expected the Detroit automakers to hire 14,750 hourly employees in the next four years.

"They would receive entry-level wages of $16 to $19 an hour.

"Workers hired before 2007 earn about $29 an hour."

2-Tier Pay.

U.S. Poverty: Census Finds Nearly Half Of Americans Are Poor Or Low-Income

French cafe

Shortly after a deadly h5n1 virus is lab created, Novartis is busily manufacturing a "pre-pandemic" vaccine for h5n1.

Deadly H5N1 created in Lab: 6.5 million Prepandemic H5N1 vaccines produced

BS labs

English Channel

Co-Op wins bid for Lloyds

Nice in France

Libyan Liberation Front News -14.12.2011.]

Repsol, Total, Eni, Royal Dutch Shell, OMV, Conoco Phillips, Saras,BP, Galp and Exxon Mobil.

Libya names 10 winners for its 2012 oil supplies

South of France

Palestine before 1948, and other links

Northern France

Emma West, an Angry Woman With Much to be Angry About.

Paris, France

Gingrich has an unusual connection to Larry Silverstein

I'll Never Do It Again

Paris France

Israeli soldiers lined up, shot and killed 3 little Palestinian girls

French people

"A youth is thrown off one of Britain's cattle-class trains by a thug passenger who looks like he does that for a living, possibly police or military.

"The cattle in the truck cheer this because they immediately and naturally side with authority, as they've been trained to do."

Odd event

French wedding

Indonesia's 'green governor' OKs plan to clear forests that shelter orangutans.

President orders probe into beheadings of Indonesian farmers

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