Saturday 28 February 2009

No Debate

REVEALED: 'There was no Cabinet debate in run-up to war,' says Short as Government refuses to release minutes

The Independent on Sunday, 29 February 2009, tells us Britain admits collusion, new torture claims emerge :

In 2001, Shaker Aamer, his wife and their three children left London to go to Afghanistan to work with a children's charity.

Shaker Aamer, 42, says he was rendered.

Reportedly, the Northern Alliance sold him to the Americans who moved him to Guantanamo Bay.

He claims that two MI6 or MI5 officers, a man and a woman, interrogated him after the Americans had beat him at a prison in Kandahar in January 2002.

He has told his UK lawyers that the British woman officer called herself 'Sally'.

"A few weeks later he says an MI5 officer was present while he was being tortured by CIA agents in an interrogation cell at Bagram air base in Afghanistan in January or February 2002.

"This time he claims a man called 'John', who introduced himself as being from British intelligence, was in the room when his head was repeatedly 'bounced' against a wall and he was told that he was going to die."

Hersh: Children sodomized at Abu Ghraib, on tape

Israel's death squads: A soldiers story

Warren Buffett loses billions

SNP booze blitz steams ahead

NSA aims to expand power: Eavesdropping agency looks to take over cybersecurity

French professor sacked over 9/11 conspiracy theory

Lockerbie suitcase bomb: Scientific implausibility

Who is Derek Simpson working for?

Who is Derek Simpson working for?

Derek Simpson is joint General Secretary of the UK's giant Unite trade union. Unite has given £13.4 million to the pro-war Labour Party since Gordon Brown became Prime Minister. Simpson will be allowed to stay in his £800,000 'grace-and-favour' house until he dies. His pay package recently rose by 17 per cent. Simpson was at one time a member of the Communist Party of Britain. Derek Simpson is standing for re-election as joint leader of Unite (Feb 2009).

Is Derek Simpson a champion of the poor who is being undermined by the rightwing press?

Or is Derek Simpson secretly working for the rich elite?

Why are trades unions so useless at protecting poor people?

The Mail on Sunday, 29 February 2009 (Unite chief used £399-a-night Waldorf suite despite £800,000 union house), tells us:

"One of the leaders of Britain's largest trade union has enjoyed the use of a £399-a-night hotel suite within yards of his office - to save a 35-minute journey to his £800,000 grace-and-favour home.

"Derek Simpson, 64, the joint leader of Unite ... has spent nights at the five-star Waldorf Hilton hotel in London, just 600 yards from his office." - Unite chief used £399-a-night Waldorf suite despite £800,000 union house

In a talk to Labour Party branches in 1996, Robin Ramsay (Lobster Magazine) pointed out some interesting links between New labour and the USA.

According to Ramsay: The CIA ran the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, the ICFTU and by the mid 1950s nearly a quarter of the TUC's annual budget was going to the ICFTU, a CIA operation. - aangirfan: BRITAIN RUN BY AGENTS OF FOREIGN POWERS?

A BBC investigation, True Spies, revealed that Joe Gormley, former president of the National Union of Miners, was a Special Branch (security services) informant during the 1970s.

True Spies revealed that Special Branch was talking to more than 20 senior trade union leaders during the early 1970s. (Socialist Appeal - Spies and the British Labour Movement)


Time to kick out the supporters of the Police State

"Prime Minister ‘Mengele’ Brown, you’ve spent my pension, seek to track and video record my life... Your legacy on our country is that you have made the very rivers of life we drink the same colour as your muddied name." - The Nazi state of Britain

1. According to The Guardian, 28 February 2009 (Government 'using fear to erode civil liberties'), a series of conferences across Britain have heard that "The government and the courts are collabarating in shaving away freedoms and pushing Britain to the brink of becoming a 'database' police state."

"Gilligan, of the Evening Standard, said the planned communications database would bring an end to privacy and with it 'an end of journalism'.

"He pointed out that the only arrest in the case of the illegal shooting to death by police of the Brazilian electrician Jean Charles de Menezes was that of a journalist who revealed that police statements were untrue."


2. On 28 February 2009, in the Independent, Rory Bremner wrote:

"The phrase 'police state' is an emotive one, but when the former HMRC chairman Sir David Varney, the head of the Orwellian-sounding 'transformational government' strategy – the project to share information across all databases – says the state will possess 'a deep truth about the citizen based on their behaviour, experiences, beliefs, needs or desires', and former Whitehall security co-ordinator Sir David Omand admits that 'finding out other people's secrets is going to involve breaking everyday moral rules', it is time to start the alarm bells ringing." - Rory Bremner: Our liberty is on the line. It's time to act

Sir David Omand was the first holder in 2002 of the post of UK Security and Intelligence Coordinator, exercising overall direction on behalf of the Prime Minister of the national counter-terrorism strategy and building national resilience (“homeland security”).


3. What to do about the problem in the UK?

Ideally, we should kick out all the politicians, police chiefs, judges and civil servants who support the police state.

That means kicking out around 95% of Labour Members of Parliament.

4. Can judges be kicked out?

In the USA, "Judges in Pennsylvania’s Luzerne County admitted sentencing thousands of children to jail in return for kickbacks from a prison-management company.

"Judges Mark Ciavarella and Michael Conahan received a commission for every day they sent a child to private juvenile detention centres run by Pennsylvania Child Care and a sister company.

"The pay-offs came to $2.6m over seven years...

"The judges are going to jail."

- Penning up children for cash The lowest of the low The Economist

A Labour politician who went astray.

5. Can civil servants be kicked out?

Yes. They are our servants.

On 9 November 2003, Richard Norton-Taylor, the Guardian's security affairs editor, wrote:

"What has already emerged ... is the existence of a dark, almost Jacobean, cabal at the core of the Blair administration.

"It is a group of powerful, unelected people few would have heard of were it not for the evidence given to Hutton: Sir David Manning, the prime minister's foreign policy adviser; Sir David Omand, his security coordinator; and John Scarlett, chairman of the joint intelligence committee..." (There is a dark cabal around Blair)

Sir David Omand was among those to decide that David Kelly should be pursued for talking to the media about the Government's dossier on Iraq's alleged WMD.[3]

The people with the power to kick out bad civil servants and bad judges are the people in government.

What can be done?

A. In England, the answer is to vote Liberal.

In Scotland the answer is to vote for the SNP.

In Wales and Northern Ireland, vote for independence.

B. The UK needs to bring in a Swiss-style referendum system.

If a certain number of people call for a referendum on some policy of the government, then a referendum would have to be held; and the result of the referendum would be binding.

Perhaps even prime ministers could be got rid of by referenda.

6. Switzerland is not perfect but it is peaceful and prosperous, and we can learn from it.
Switzerland is divided up into cantons and towns (communes).

In Switzerland, the central government (federal government) is not given too much power; the cantons and towns have a lot of power; referendums are held.

The central government controls foreign policy, defense, the railways and the mint.

If the central government brings in a new policy, a referendum can be held to vote it down.

There is a six-month period during which a referendum can be called by any person or group able to get 50,000 signatures on a petition.

A central government policy can be thrown out by a simple majority vote in a referendum.

The cantons and communes control economic policy, welfare policy, the police, education and so on. Each canton has its own parliament and constitution.

Switzerland spends a lot on welfare and education but manages to keep taxes relatively low. This is because there are no huge ministeries full of useless civil servants, or bureaucrats.

Cantons and large communes have referendums and 'initiatives'. An 'initiative' is when an ordinary citizen proposes a new policy or law.


The CIA in Malaysia and Indonesia; Hambali, Hasbi, Bashir, Samudra, Bali Bomb, 9 11


Reportedly, the CIA is active in Asia.

Allegedly it uses double agents and patsies in acts of terrorism.

Former Indonesian president, Abdurrahman Wahid was saying in 2005 of the Bali bombings:

"The orders to do this or that came from within our armed forces... There is not a single Islamic group ... that is not controlled by (Indonesian) intelligence."

Indonesia's intelligence services are said to work closely with the CIA.

1. History Commons (Complete 911 Timeline: Hambali) tells us about the Indonesian known as Hambali, who was said to be in charge of Southeast Asian operations for Osama bin Laden and the CIA.

Hambali is believed to have worked for the CIA in Afghanistan.

From 1991 to 2000 Hambali lived in the village of Sungei Manggis, close to Kuala Lumpur, in Malaysia.

Hambali’s landlord said of Hambali’s visitors, “Some looked ... white.”

Fauzi Hasbi

2. Living very near to Hambali, in Sungei Manggis, was Fauzi Hasbi, an agent of the Indonesian security services, who, reportedly, work closely with the CIA.

Hambali played a major role in the 1995 Bojinka plot, which is believed to have been an Operation-Northwoods-style CIA plot.

Operation Bojinka was a planned series of 'terrorist' attacks which was alleged to include the flying of a Cessna filled with explosives into CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

Operation Bojinka was abandoned after an apartment fire in Manila on January 6, 1995 led to the discovery by police of evidence of the plot.

After the Bojinka plot was 'foiled' Hambali continued to live safely in his Sungai Manggis house. (Time, 4/1/2002; Los Angeles Times, 9/1/2002) Complete 911 Timeline: Hambali

Bashir said the Bali Bomb attack was a conspiracy between "America, Australia and the Jews" and the three convicted bombers - Amrozi, Imam Samudra and Ali Ghufron - had been framed. (Cleric blames CIA for Bali bombing - ABC News (Australian ...)

3. Living near Hambali in this village were Imam Samudra (allegedly a key figure in the 2002 Bali bombings) and Abu Bakar Bashir, of Jemaah Islamiyah.

4. In January 2000, Hambali attended an al-Qaeda (CIA) summit in nearby Kuala Lumpur.

This summit discussed 9 11. [USA Today, 2/12/2002; CNN, 8/30/2002]

At the request of the CIA, the Malaysian Secret Service monitored the summit and then passed the information on to the US.

The CIA got pictures and video footage of Hambali at the meeting and already had pictures of him from a computer linked to the Bojinka plot.

In 2000, Fauzi Hasbi, Indonesian government agent, had a private meeting in his hotel with Bashir and the representative from Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), a militant group in the Philippines.

Indonesian intelligence had at least one other mole known by the alias Dadang.

A US Treasury press release in 2003 stated that:

“[Hambali] was videotaped in a January 2000 meeting in Malaysia with two of the September 11, 2001 hijackers of AA Flight 77 - Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi.” [US Department of the Treasury, 1/24/2003 ]

However, there was no apparent effort to apprehend Hambali, extradite him, or even put him on a public wanted list. He continued to live in Sungai Manggis until at least late 2000. [Conboy, 2003] Complete 911 Timeline: Hambali

Kuala Lumpur by Melancholia i

5. In 2000, Christmas Eve attacks in Indonesia comprised a series of 38 bombings in 11 cities and were directed against churches.

Nineteen people were killed and over a hundred injured. [Asia Times, 10/8/2004]

The al-Qaeda affiliate Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) was blamed.

In February 2001, the Indonesian newsweekly Tempo published a cover story suggesting links between the bombings and the Indonesian military, the TNI.

The article pointed out that Edi Sugiarto, who was quickly arrested and confessed to assembling 15 of the bombs used in the town of Medan, had long run a car repair shop in the province of Aceh.

Members of TNI and Indonesia’s special forces, Kopassus, regularly went to his shop for repairs and just to hang out.

Phone records indicated that Sugiarto called Fauzi Hasbi seven times before the bombings.

Hasbi is a leader of JI, but Tempo outed him as an Indonesian government mole.

In 2005, two years after Hasbi’s death, the Australian television program SBS Dateline provided additional evidence of Hasbi’s long-time links to the TNI (see 1979-February 22, 2003).

Fasbi also called Jacob Tanwijaya, a businessman well connected with the TNI, 35 times.

That businessman in turn talked on the phone to Lt. Col. Iwan Prilianto, a Kopassus special forces intelligence officer, over 70 times.

Fasbi made at least one call to another key figure in the bombings.

The International Crisis Group, an international think tank, later commented, “[I]t is hard to avoid the suspicion that someone in the armed forces must have known that at least the Medan part [of the bombings] was in the works…” [International Crisis Group, 12/11/2002]

Paul Wolfowitz was US ambassador to Indonesia (1986 to 1989). From 2001 to 2005, during the George W. Bush administration, Wolfowitz served as U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense.

6. Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), the Southeast Asian Islamist group, was founded in 1992, and it is said to be linked to al Qaeda and to the US-trained Indonesian security services.

One of the founding members of JI was Indonesian government agent Fauzi Hasbi.

Hasbi helped arrange JI’s first major meeting, held in Bogor, Indonesia.

The Australian television program SBS Dateline will later comment: “The extraordinary story of Fauzi Hasbi raises many important questions about JI and the Indonesian authorities. Why didn’t they smash the terror group in its infancy?”

In 2005, Umar Abduh, an Indonesian Islamist who worked with Hasbi, claimed that in retrospect he realized that he and other militants were completely manipulated by the government. Complete 911 Timeline: Hambali

7. On 12 October 2002, bombs exploded near the Sari Club and the Padi Club in the heart of Kuta, in Bali. 202 people were killed and several hundred were injured.

On 16 October 2002 Indonesian police arrested a former Air Force officer who confessed to building the bomb.

This officer was later released.

According to a news story in the Sydney Morning Herald, 2 November 2002, the Indonesian security services may have handled the Bali bomb.

"Some time around the 30 October 2002, senior officers in the Indonesian military HQ gave a piece of information to a military attache from a Western embassy in Indonesia - the source of explosive used in the October 12 bombing in Bali was the head of the counter-terrorism unit with the army's special forces."

The father-in-law of the officer concerned is Hendropriyono, who was then Indonesia's spy chief.

(The Sydney Morning Herald story has been removed from its website.)

Adm. Thomas Fargo, Commander, U.S. Pacific Command, welcomes Abdullah Mahmud Hendropriyono, Chief of Indonesia’s National Intelligence Agency, during an office call at Camp Smith, Hawaii, in January 2003 to discuss counterterrorism cooperation and mutual security interests.

Allegedly, Kuwaiti citizen Omar Al-Faruq played a part in the Bali bomb plot.

Al-Faruq was arrested in Bogor on June 5, 2002 and handed over to the US authorities.

Former Indonesian State Intelligence Coordinating Board (BAKIN) chief A.C. Manulang was quoted by Tempo as saying that Al-Faruq was most likely a CIA-recruited agent.

Al Faruq

A Pentagon official in Washington has confirmed that al-Faruq escaped from a U.S. detention facility in Bagram, Afghanistan, on 10 July 2005.

The airline manifest of Garuda airlines shows that at least two generals from Jakarta visited Bali three days before the bombings and that they returned to Jakarta one day before the Sari Club was blown up.

This was confirmed by armed forces chief General Sutarto, who claimed that General Djaja Suparman was on vacation, while General Ryamizard Riyacudu, chief of staff, was said to have gone to Bali for health reasons.


General Suparman is allegedly one of the generals behind certain 'Moslem' militias.

He reportedly set up militias to counter student demonstrations in 1998.

One of these militias, Pram Swarkasa, allegedly became Laskar Jihad.

Bomb explosions in Indonesia have have often been linked to the military.

A bomb at the Attorney General's office in Jakarta in July 2000 went off one hour after Tommy Suharto had been interrogated by the police.

The bombs were reportedly traced back to the army and a former member of Suharto's guard.

A spate of explosions in the capital Jakarta in 2000 included a huge car-bomb blast in the underground parking lot of the Jakarta Stock Exchange.

Two members of Kopassus (army special forces) were convicted and jailed for that act of terrorism.

It was reported in the Jakarta Post that convicted Bali bomber Ali Imron had been seen, in 2004, having a Starbucks coffee in a plush Jakarta shopping mall in the company of top police official Brigadier General Gorries Mere. Imron apparently also visited the Hard Rock Cafe.

After Amrozi had been arrested for his part in the Bali Bomb, National Police chief General Da'i Bachtiar had a face to face meeting with him. Bachtiar laughed, shook hands and posed for photographs with Amrozi.

Most of the top Indonesian generals have been trained in the USA.

Wahid on SBS Dateline: Bali Bombing 2002

This video is from SBS Dateline, an Austrailian news show,in which former president of Indonesia,Abdurrahman Wahid, points to the involvement of the Indonesian Military Intelligence and Police in the 2002 Bali bombing.

The Transcript of this program has been removed from the archives of the SBS, Australia's Special Broadcasting Services.



Not Presented

GDP 2009 : Global downturn: In graphics

The evidence of David Wright was not presented at the Lockerbie trial because it could have undermined the prosecution’s case. - MaltaToday / INDEPENDENT online

Whatever happened to the Jersey child abuse case? aangirfan: CHILD ABUSE 'COVER-UP'; Police call off Sea Cadets ...

CNBC Analyst: Global Bank, Global Currency Within 15 Years

Questions raised over BBC reporter Robert Peston .

Lehnert & Landrock

Peter MacMahon: Lloyds' attempt to bully The Scotsman will not succeed

Ian Swanson: A bold step on the independence road

The Mumbai Attacks and the Militaries of the USA, India and Pakistan

How to Slash World Cancer Rates By 90 Percent: Healthy Foods, Exercise and Vitamin D

AIG, The Stanford Group and Israel; Cozy as Bedbugs

Texan cricket tycoon Stanford at centre of Venezuelan spying row

French professor sacked over 9/11 conspiracy theory

Takeoverworld and 9 11


Heathrow, Yachtgate, Mandelson, Rothschild, Adonis, Peston ...

Heathrow by Arpingstone.

The Mail, 29 February 2009, has a news story entitled: Mandelson in new 'favours' row: The minister, his PR pal and six meetings before Heathrow go-ahead

The Mail makes a link between 'Yachtgate' and the decision by Lord Mandelson, UK Trade Secretary, to expand London's Heathrow airport.

Airport operator BAA (owned by Spain's Ferrovial) is to get yet another runway at Heathrow, in the South East of the UK.

People in parts of the North and West of the UK feel that they never get things like airport runways.


Public relations man Roland Rudd represents airport operator BAA.

Rudd, or his company Finsbury Ltd, "met with ministers at least five times in ten days in the run-up to Labour's unpopular decision to go ahead with plans for a third runway, and once a few months earlier."

Rudd, who is alleged to be worth £50million, "has had a long friendship with Lord Mandelson, who is godfather to his son."

The UK's international airports

Rudd was 'involved' in the 2008 ' Yachtgate' affair, in Corfu. (Mandelson in new 'favours' row.)

Lord Mandelson, George Osborne (Conservative Party) and Nat Rothschild were guests on the yacht of Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska.

Deripaska is a client of Rudd through Basic Elements, the holding group for his investments.

Nat Rothschild is a client of Rudd.

Allegedly, Osborne revealed what Mandelson thought about Gordon Brown.

Reportedly, Nat Rothschild, on the advice of Rudd, launched a media offensive against Osborne.

The Mail, 28 Feb 2009, shows the links involving Roland Rudd, Lord Adonis the UK Transport Minister, Robert Peston the BBC Business Editor, and Lord Mandelson.

Peter Mandelson's friends: How the twice disgraced peer is once again at the centre of a tangled web of intrigue.

BAA's UK airports


Long Live Barbara!


In Germany, 'Barbara Emme was fired for allegedly stealing 1.30 euros (£1.16) worth of bottle deposits from her employer, Kaisers supermarket, after more than 30 years of service.'

She was punished so harshly 'while bankers who have lost billions stay in their jobs.' - Pilfered euro sparks German row

Kaisers has admitted it has no proof that Barbara stole anything.

A state labour court in Berlin upheld the grocery chain's right to dismiss Barbara.

Wolfgang Thierse, a vice president of Germany's parliament, the Bundestag, called the ruling "barbaric."

Berlin's leading legal organization is calling on Thierse to resign.

Barbara suspects she was fired because of her union activity. - Supermarket Cashier Becomes German Anti-Capitalist Hero


Sack the judges!

Boycott Kaisers!

Kick out Angela Merkel!


Takeoverworld and 9 11

Iraqi kids before the invasion.

1. Who is running the show?

We can learn about the OVERCLASS here:

"The wealthy have always used many methods to accumulate wealth, but it was not until the mid-1970s that these methods coalesced into a superbly organized, cohesive and efficient machine...

"The origins of this machine, interestingly enough, can be traced back to the CIA...

"During the 1970s, these men would take the propaganda and operational techniques they had learned in the Cold War and apply them to the Class War...

"In 1975, the richest 1 percent owned 22 percent of America’s wealth.

"By 1992, they would nearly double that, to 42 percent — the highest level of inequality in the 20th century."

2. The key to understanding our political situation is Operation Mockingbird.

We can learn more about CIA control of the media here:

3. Does any evidence exist to show that our government would ever even consider sacrificing it's own citizens and lying about it...?

Find all the questions and answers here:

4. It is ON THE RECORD that the 1993 WTC bombing was planned-and-staged by the FBI.

What else is going on?

Find out here:

5. Tarpley - how great thou art (not).


Random Saturday.

How productive was today?

I taught Molly to drive a car....

I went and canned sugar with my mom. Who knew you could can sugar? That was rather interesting.

And I took my mom and went to hang out on a movie set with my friend, Yeniffer. (She wasn't filming today, her adorable little boy was.)

Rather fun day. :)


[source, tFS]

Friday 27 February 2009


Girl crush! I've seen her on Cobra Snake a lot, too.. Love the t-shirt!
[source, Stylesightings]

Nicholas Kirkwood in the summer

Doma cropped leather jacket, Topshop t-shirt, black opaque tights, Proenza Schouler PS1 bag, Nicholas Kirkwood shoes, random jewelery
[source, Net-a-Porter/Topshop/Google]

Thursday 26 February 2009

Girl on Friday

Imogen Morris Clarke, styled by Alastair McKimm.
[source, tFS]

Kova & T

Kova & T Spring '09. Dasha Zhukova in the running to replace Katie Grand at POP? What..?
[source, Kova&T]

The Mumbai Attacks and the Militaries of the USA, India and Pakistan

Taj, Mumbai, 2008

The CIA, and its friends, may have used Pakistani military officers in the November 2008 attack on Mumbai?

India claims that Pakistani officers have links to the Mumbai shootings.

Pakistani Army colonel 'was involved' in Mumbai terror attacks / Pakistani officers helped plan Mumbai attacks, says India

1. Why?

The Bombay attacks killed the police officers who had uncovered links between terrorists and elements of the Indian military!

"The Mumbai Anti Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare and other officers of the Anti Terrorism Squad have been killed.

"These were the same people who were investigating the Malegaon Blasts – in which Praggya Singh, an (Indian) army officer and several other noted personalities of the (right-wing 'fascist') BJP-RSS-Bajrang Dal-VHP were arrested." - CIA ATTACKS BOMBAY? CIA WANTS INDIA TO HELP IN ATTACK ON PAKISTAN

On 8 November, 2008, the Maharashtra Anti Terror Squad revealed that Lt Colonel Srikant Purohit of the Indian military was involved in a blast that killed people in Malegaon in September 2007.

The Anti Terror Squad indicts Purohit for supplying the RDX used in the blasts. (ATS Investigations show Purohit procured RDX /Indian officer held over blasts )

The Anti Terror Squad has also found out that Purohit attended secret meetings of the 'fascist' Hindu group Abhinav Bharat.Now it is being reported that Lt Col Srikant Prasad Purohit, the Army officer arrested in the Malegaon case, was involved in other blasts as well. (More detained as Purohit probe spreads to blast in Nanded 2006 )


2. The CIA appears to have control over certain people within the Pakistan military?

According to the TIMES OF INDIA (9 10 01): In the summer of 2001, General Mahmoud Ahmad, chief of the US trained Pakistan intelligence service, arranged for $100,000 to be given to Mohammed Atta (alleged hijacker on 11 Sept).

General Mahmoud arrived in the USA on 4 September 2001 and, over the days that followed, had regular consultations with his counterparts at the CIA and Pentagon.

A CBS Report on US TV by Dan Rather and Barry Petersen, 28 Jan 2002, suggested that Osama bin Laden was in a Pakistani Military hospital in Rawalpindi on 10th September 2001, the day before the Attacks on America.The Pakistani military HQ in Rawalpindi is used by resident US military and intelligence advisers, who routinely report to Washington.Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Are top people in the Pakistan government involved with the CIA and Mossad?


3. In 2008, US national Ken Haywood, reportedly with the help of the US embassy, fled from India. (Cached)

He was being investigated for terrorism.

Ken Haywood's computer was used to send a "terrorist" e-mail minutes before bomb blasts in Ahmedabad, in July 2008.

Reportedly, Haywood has links to Abdur Subhan Qureshi, alias Taufique Bilal and Tauqir, reportedly the top terrorist in India.

Haywood returned to India in September 2008. (Ahmedabad blasts: Ken Haywood arrives in India 11 Sep 2008, 0215 hrs IST, C Unnikrishnan,TNN)

Photo of Bombay by Wen-Yan King

In India, Haywood works for a firm called Campbell White, suspected of being a front for the CIA.

Haywood doesn't feature on its list of employees. (Cached)

The Indian Express reported on 14 August 2008 that the company's Mumbai office 'is located in two small adjoining rented rooms on the ground floor of Sanpada railway station complex', and that 'the two rooms also serve as prayer rooms for Potter's House... part of the Christian Fellowship Ministries based in Arizona.'

Duplex in Wadala

A Post at 'Consortium of Indian Defence Websites' (Cached), 20 Aug 2008:

"Haywood's fleeing immediately after the cracking of the Gujarat blasts and capture of the perpetrators is most suspicious.

"His escape resembles that of our ex-R&AW traitor,who also escaped with alleged US help.

"It also indicates that we may have in our intelligence services moles/informants working for foreign agencies tipping off agents within the country.

"However,the fact the Haywood was working for a bogus 'missionary' outfit is doubly alarming.

"The role of US so-called missionaries/evangelical groups in India is very controversial,for they are playing a dual role in agressive conversions as well as being part of the CIA destabilisation plan for India.

"Tehelka a few years ago revealed the fact that over 100 US so-called "Christian" evangelical groups/organisations were in fact bogus and part of Bush's CIA network.

"The question that now looms large in the mind is what connection exits between the CIA and the SIMI (Students Islamic Movement of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) sponsored terrorists?

"Is SIMI actually a CIA operation?

"Does the Islamist terrror in India have a CIA-ISI background.

"Given the cosy relationship that the ISI and the CIA have had for decades and the termemndous importance and preferential treatment that Pak receives in comparison with India,it stands to reason that a sinister destabilisation operation is on to weaken India, especially at a time when we have the weakest ever puppet PM and his govt. in power."

4. Someone seems to be stirring up trouble in Pakistan.

Pakistan Appeals for Calm as Opposition Protests Ban on Sharif

Fire erupts in Pakistan Marriott hotel

5. Look at the map below:

The above map first appeared among American neoconservatives.

It was used in an article by Ralph Peters entitled "Blood Borders: How a Better Middle East Would Look," published in Armed Forces Journal.

A senior Pakistani government official has said that "One of the biggest fears of the Pakistani military planners is the collaboration between India and Afghanistan to destroy Pakistan. Some people feel the United States is colluding in this." (Redrawn map has Pakistan wary)

Some commentators suggest that the United States is financing militants in order to tie down the Pakistani army and leave the way open for an American advance into Pakistan.

On 3 December 2008, at Al Ahram Weekly, Abdus Sattar Ghazali wrote 'Behind the scenes' (Cached)

He tells us about the US-UK-Israel agenda for the Middle East and South Asia region.

Among the points made:

1. The Global Trends 2025 report by Thomas Fingar, US deputy director of national intelligence for analysis, suggests that Pakistan may become much smaller.

2. The New York Times reported on a "New Middle East" map published in 2006 by the US Air Force Journal along with an article by retired Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters, entitled, "How a better Middle East would look?" The map and Peters suggested that a 'natural' Pakistan would be much smaller than today.

3. It can be argued that redrawing the map, from the Lebanon and Syria to Anatolia, Arabia, the Persian Gulf, the Iranian Plateau and South Asia is part of a longstanding Anglo-American and Israeli agenda.

4. "Constructive chaos" (violence and war) is the means to gradually achieve this objective.

5. There is a rapidly deteriorating situation in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in the wake of frequent US missile attacks and Pakistan's military operations.

The FATA region, along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, was peaceful before the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

The commander of US forces in Afghanistan, General David McKiernan, was asked by a group of parliamentarians meeting with him at the residency of the US ambassador in Islamabad: Why did you Americans come to Afghanistan when it was so peaceful before you got there?

6. Some commentators suggest that the US is financing the Taliban. The point is to bog down the Pakistani army, they say, leaving the way open for the Americans to grab Pakistan's nuclear weapons.

Recently, in the officers' mess in Bajaur, the northern tribal region where the Pakistani army is stuck fighting militants, one officer offered his own theory: Osama bin Laden did not exist, he told a visiting journalist. Rather, he was a creation of the Americans, who needed an excuse to invade Afghanistan and encroach upon Pakistan.


Abdus Sattar Ghazali is executive editor of the online magazine American Muslim Perspective (




Wednesday 25 February 2009


"As each firm (and indeed state agency) lays off workers and tries to pay less to those kept on, this has the effect of further undercutting overall demand in the economy...

"A strong case can be made that... we need to break with the logics of capitalist markets...

"We need to put on the public agenda the need to change our economic and political institutions so as to allow for democratic planning to collectively decide how and where we produce what we need to sustain our lives and our relationship to our environment."

- From Global Finance to the Nationalization of the Banks: Eight Theses on the Economic Crisis - by Prof. Leo Panitch, Prof. Sam Gindin - 2009-02-25

La Leçon de Cathéchisme by Jules-Alexis Muenier - 1890 - Musée des beaux-arts de Besançon

Former nun reveals sex and suffering inside convent

Internet firms set to track and cash in on surfing habits of 11million customers

Image results for thomas rowlandson

GEOFFREY WHEATCROFT: Iraqis know the real cost of Jacqui Smith's second home (Guardian)

Girl, 3, raised by dogs in her home after her alcoholic mother neglected her

A fishy discovery: Sex as we know it started 30million years earlier than previously thought

U.S. Military Base in Vicenza, Italy Gets Final Approval

Russia, Turkey declare new era with ‘strategic’ document

US military gets the squeeze in Central Asia

Obama expands US military intervention in Pakistan

9/11 Heroin Pilot Indicted in New Jersey



Happy Moslems in the world's biggest Moslem country.

"The plan clearly envisions a substantial and essentially permanent American military presence in Iraq, dominating the politics and policy of this key oil nation – which was of course one of the chief war aims of the military aggressors in the Bush Administration all along." - Orwell in Babylon: Obama's War-Continuing "Withdrawal" Plan Written by Chris Floyd

Maghreb bloggers discuss living standards in the region

What did Obama say?


Cairo Bomb; CIA & MOSSAD Trying To Topple Mubarak?


Here We Go Again (LOL)

Washed-out tees

[source, tFS]

Louise Goldin F/W '09

Louise Goldin F/W '09. The dip-dyed hair, textured leather, cut-outs, black, more black..
[source, Style]

Tuesday 24 February 2009


I've kinda sucked at posting what I'm thankful for each week...I'm trying to be better about it. :)

I chose two people for my thankful for this week because they both are such tremendous inspiration to me.

Every time I talk to Kent and Minae, they talk about the goals they have laid out for themselves, for the steps they are taking to succeed in the challenges of life, and the way they are conquering their fears. They have the most beautiful souls and the inspiration they provide me is amazing. They faith they have in me is empowering and there are really just no words to describe the impact they have had in my life since the day I met them.

Here we go again

Mumbai by Rudolph.A.furtado

Slumdog Millionaire child stars to be given flats.

Photograph of the Year

Extreme Abuse Survey research

Dengue fever deaths mount in Indonesia

Obama promised a "new and comprehensive strategy" for Afghanistan and Pakistan aimed at defeating al-Qaeda and defeating extremism; Pakistan is to be broken up. - Determined Obama vows to renew US

Here We Go Again

McDonald's gets $423.7M loan from Japanese banks

Stanford a cog in the U.S. intelligence dirty money laundering machine

Scottish Dead Tree Scribblers Flee the Press

Russell Browned off at gnome jokes.



Alexa Chung. Girl looks good, 'nuff said.
[source, GaranceDore]