Friday 20 January 2012


Google's share price is down.

On 21 January 2012, we learn that Google's share price is down 9%.

Billions have been wiped off Google's market value.

On 12 January 2012 Aangirfan suggested that GOOGLE could be in trouble?

In December 2011, Aangirfan referred to the NEW YOUTUBE DESIGN and asked if people should SELL GOOGLE?

In July 2011
, Aangirfan complained that GOOGLE PERSONALISES RESULTS

Google is still making big profits, but, financial figures from Google worry the analysts.

There has been 'a surprising downturn' in the prices Google collects for 'clicks' on its advertising.

Cost-per-click, the money firms pay Google when people click on ads, has decreased for the first time in two years.

JP Morgan analysts have cut their price target on the Google stock to $686 from $730.

Some analysts, such as those at Barclays, are worried about Google's increased spending on such things as Google+.

John Shinal has given Three reasons not to hold Google shares.

1. Google's operating expenses are going to rise significantly once it acquires Motorola Mobility Holdings...

2. Google is not really a public company...

Co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and other insiders, control company voting rights.

Google has always has very poor grades from corporate governance advocates.

3. Larry Page seems to not care much about investors...


Google misstep hints at tech landscape shift

Want a Google Account? Now You're Automatically Signed Up for Google+

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