Tuesday 3 January 2012


On 2 January 2012, Ron Paul was ahead of Mitt Romney in a second to last 2012 New Hampshire Primary online straw poll.

Paul got 28% of the votes (1,844 votes) for a first place finish. Romney earned 23% of the votes (1,505 votes) for a third place finish.


On 3 January 2012, Ron Paul got "a rock star reception" at Valley High School in West Des Moines.

The students offered Ron Paul their warmest welcome of the day.

Ron Paul gets rock star reception at Valley High School

Rick Santorum and the sons of Mitt Romney also addressed the kids but were not treated to as enthusiastic a welcome.

Ron Paul asked: "I'm wondering, does anyone here know the name Kelly Clarkson?"

Ron Paul told the students that the former American Idol contestant had recently endorsed him.

Ron Paul said: "Our supporters were so enthusiastic about that, that they went out and bumped up the sales of her records by 600 percent."

Ron Paul said he would bring American troops home from Afghanistan and end 'run-away inflation.'

Ron Paul Surges on Facebook and Twitter as the Iowa Caucus nears

Ron Paul getting rock star treatment in Iowa

Ron Paul Winning the Web Primary

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