Wednesday 20 July 2011

TERMS OF REFERENCE: Photo Production – Fistula and Mobile Phones Tanzania –2011

 The present Terms of Reference is related to the production of a series of portraits of obstetric fistula survivors and advocates in relation to a project on fistula and mobile phones in Tanzania, highlighting the potential of mobile technology in the fight against fistula. The photos should also explore maternal health issues in general, including health facilities, practitioners and experts.

The pictures should emphasize the importance of the engagement of men and family members, as well as officials and community leaders in the fight against discrimination and commitment to end fistula.

The UNFPA Country Office in Tanzania will liaise with partners and potential subjects for the photo production, which will be conducted in their own communities and in other local settings according to the subjects’ availability and the Country Office suggestions.

Key objectives for the use and dissemination of the photos:
The photos will be used by UNFPA and United Nations Communications Group (UNCG) for advocacy purposes within the Campaign to End Fistula, maternal health related events and materials throughout 2011 and beyond, including the internet, exhibitions, electronic and printed publications.

The photo production should capture images that portray the country’s efforts to eliminate obstetric fistula. It will also be an opportunity to portray the work in partnership with national counterparts, results, highlighting the connection between Campaign achievements in the field and global objectives.

At national level, this activity will potentially contribute to increased awareness and political mobilization around fistula-related issues in the country, as well as positive changes in the lives of fistula survivors at community level. At global level, this activity will contribute to raise awareness about and influence the public and political agenda on issues related to sexual and reproductive health, especially fistula and maternal health related issues.

We would like to receive 40 edited photos in high resolution with detailed captions, 
which would become part of the UNFPA/ Campaign to End Fistula and UNCG photo library. 
In addition, selected photos should be framed and captioned for exhibition purposes. 
The photographer is responsible for clearance with subject, in collaboration with UNFPA 
Tanzania to ensure that there is adequate informed consent by subjects on the use of
 these images in all different media. UNFPA reserves the rights to edit and crop the photos 
for use on publications and the electronic media with UNFPA and the Campaign to End 
Fistula logos.  
We recommend that the photographer uses UNFPA style guide recommendations and the Campaign to End Fistula recommendations on how to portray fistula survivors at: and The photographer must also use ethical reporting standards.  

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