Sunday 31 July 2011


US Ambassador Barry White and host of the day, MP Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Center Party) visit Rena. (Ambassador White visits Rena.)

Rena is the site of Anders Breivik's farm where police believe he planned the 2011 Norway attacks.

The valley of Ă˜sterdalen, where Rena lies, is used by the military for special forces training; the Norwegian army's Rena military camp is located nearby.

(Rena, Norway - Wikipedia)

According to Reuters, Breivik's farm is near a military base housing the 2,000-strong Telemark battalion.

(Breivik in court: Authorities may have something to hide - Global Research )

Ambassador White visited the Norwegian Army at Camp Rena in May 2011. Photo: Lars Gjemble. (Ambassador White visits Rena.)

The US ambassador to Norway visited Rena in May 2011.

"On May 20, 2011, Ambassador White traveled to Hedmark County on a visit hosted by Center Party Member of Parliament and Hedmark representative Trygve Slagsvold Vedum."

White visited some farms.

The afternoon was spent in Camp Rena visiting the Telemark Batallion and Norwegian Special Forces.

Spot the bad guys. Stoltenberg skapade Anders Behring Breivik – Nu utnyttjar politikerna - [ Translate this page ]

Famous Norwegian Nazi - Quisling

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