Sunday 16 October 2011

Life is truly beautiful!

A few weeks back I posted about needing an ass kicking jaw jarring jolt to get myself out of the funky doldrums that I was stuck in. I'm beyond pleased to say that things are on such a positive high for me right now.

First off, the new position! I have toiled in the trenches for five and a half years, 2 1/2 in the current position, wondering when I was going to get back on my feet. I am on loan to A/P for another week and then it is off to the Global Mobility Department and to learn to be an expense analyst. The challenge is big for this job, the chance to grow in the department is also big. I am ready for it!

It also means that I will be able to get out on my own again. And that is an exciting prospect for me! I have already begun the apartment hunt. It won't happen until January, but I need to get plans rolling. Besides I need living room furniture (I have leather furniture which I hate and do NOT want to take to another place).

I have surrounded myself with a fabulous support system and some absolutely incredible friends.

I see a new year approaching and instead of beating myself up over what have I achieved, I see that I have actually taken huge steps forward and am ready to greet 2012. (I am ready to celebrate the rest of 2011, too.)

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