Tuesday 8 November 2011


Al-Harati was given money by American spooks.

The Sunday World Front Page News concerns a gang of Irish gypsies who reportedly stole €200,000 in cash from the Dublin home of a top anti-Gaddafi leader.

The gypsies reportedly robbed the house in Dublin on 6 October 2011.

The house belongs to Mahdi al-Harati, a Libyan who was one of the top leaders of the revolt against Gaddafi.

Mahdi al-Harati told the police he had travelled to France, the United States and Qatar the previous month.

He told the police that spooks from an American intelligence agency had given him a large sum of money to help in the efforts to defeat Gaddafi.

He said he left two envelopes with his wife in case he was killed and took the rest of the cash with him when he went back to Libya.

Al-Harati led the main rebel advance that captured Tripoli on 21 August 2011.

He was appointed deputy leader of Tripoli's military council.

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