Wednesday 2 November 2011


German Nazis murdered Greeks at Distomo in Greece

The Greeks were terrorised by the German Nazis.

Hitler said: "Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future." (hitler quotes - Stormfront)

Terror was part of the Nazi philosophy.

(Blammo asked for some solid examples of NAZIs using terror as a philosophy.)

Greece under the Nazis.

In June 1944, Hitler's NAZIS attacked the Greek village of Distomo and killed 218 people.

A German Federal Court judge has described it as 'one of the most despicable crimes of World War II'.

Women were raped.

Those who were pregnant were stabbed.

Babies were bayoneted.

The village priest was beheaded. (Distomo massacre a)

Kalavryta Massacre

The Massacre of Kalavryta was the extermination of the male population, and the total destruction of the town of Kalavryta, in Greece, by German occupying forces during World War II on 13 December 1943.

Over 1,200 people died.


The Holocaust of Viannos was the mass extermination campaign launched by Nazi forces against the civilian residents of around 20 Greek villages on Crete. The killings, with a death toll in excess of 500, were carried out on the 14th, 15 and 16 September 1943 by Wehrmacht forces.

The Pentagon and NATO are fans of Hitler and his Nazis.

The German Nazis forced the Greeks to give Germany a 'war loan'

"Economists estimate that if it were repaid today, it could cost the German government £60billion."

(That would be enough to cover Greeces fiscal deficit for the next five years)

Nazi war crimes and the £60bn.

During Nazi rule, "Greek businesses, property and goods, including olive oil, leather, tobacco and cotton, were either seized outright or bought with a new, near-worthless currency called 'Occupation Marks'."

Nazi war crimes and the £60bn.


The Nazi philosophy relied on Charles Darwin.

Darwin believed that evolution means "the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life".

Sir Arthur Keith wrote: "The leader of Germany is an evolutionist, not only in theory, but, as millions know to their cost, in the rigor of its practice. For him, the 'national front' of Europe is also the 'evolutionary front;' he regards himself, and is regarded, as the incarnation of the will of Germany, the purpose of that will being to guide the evolutionary destiny of its people."

In Mein Kampf, Hitler used the German word for evolution (Entwicklung) many times, and refers to "lower human types."

He criticized the Jews for bringing "Negroes into the Rhineland".

Hitler wrote: "The stronger must dominate...

"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."

Hitler's Was Inspired by Darwinism

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