Friday 4 November 2011


Ruth Davidson


Several decades ago the UK's Conservative Party won around half of all the Scottish seats in the UK parliament.

Today the UK's Conservative Party has only one Scottish seat in the UK parliament and it is quite likely to lose that seat at the next election.

There is still a Conservative Party in Scotland but the average age of its members is around 70.

Remember Thomas Hamilton?

The Conservative Party in Scotland has just elected a new leader, Ruth Davidson.

Ruth Davidson supports all the policies which have made her party the most hated in Scotland.

The spooky Ruth Davidson is a former journalist with the spooky BBC.

She is a former member of the spooky Territorial Army.

Reportedly, she has been helped into power by top MI6 spook Andrew Fulton.

(Top Scots Tories fire broadside at MI6 Spy and Glasgow University)

Ruth Davidson

Lesbian Ruth Davidson has also been helped by Michael Forsyth, who reportedly was a friend of Thomas Hamilton.

"Forsyth congratulated and encouraged Hamilton for running a boy's club."

On 13 March 1996, Hamilton, armed with four hand-guns, opened fire on a junior school class, killing 16 children.

(Propaganda - Exposing the New World Order and ...)


On 5 November 2011, Paul McBride QC, one of the Scottish Conservative party’s leading supporters, resigned with a denunciation of the party as "a bunch of unreconstructed morons".

Thi is "an early blow to Ruth Davidson’s leadership."

McBride is a former justice adviser to the Conservatives. (Lawyer Paul McBride quits Tories and brands them 'dysfunctional ...)


Conservative song 'salutes Nazi killings'.

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