Saturday 5 November 2011


The reportedly gay Michael Rockefeller who died mysteriously during an expedition to New Guinea.

The people who 'rule the planet' are not always united.

Reportedly, 'extreme-right authors', such as Eustace Mullins, "were promoted by the conservative establishment to attack the Federal Reserve, the Rockefellers, and Henry Kissinger's détente policies."

Reportedly, Iran-Contra, the BCCI affair and Lockerbie were exposed by people tied to the liberal establishment, "most notably Time magazine, Bilderberg steering committee member Bill Moyers and the Jesuit lawyer Daniel Sheehan." (updated)

At wikispooks, we find a new model of international covert politics:


According to this model there are three (fascist) factions.

There is:

a Zionist (fascist) faction,

a Conservative (fascist) faction

and a Liberal (fascist) faction.

"The basic model and some key points are published here to give people something to hold onto when they are investigating the jungle of covert politics and conspiracies."

Ted Shackley

Some key points:

1. The conservatives moved from a rabidly anti-Israel policy to one in almost complete support of Israel.

2. The conservative establishment is seemingly run by total psychopaths.

Le Cercle, run by the CIA and Ted Shackley among others, had links with Europe's fascists, Franco, Salazar, the P-2 Lodge, stay-behind networks, the apartheid regimes in Rhodesia and South Africa, and people from the Pinochet government.

Various Cercle members were closely affiliated with death squad leaders and drug dealers.

Various American Security Council members have advocated the use of nuclear weapons during the wars in Korea, Vietnam and the first Gulf War, as well as a preventive attack on the Soviet Union before it developed a significant nuclear strike capability.

The Conservative faction has intricate links to the Moonie cult and pedophile entrapment networks (also be tied to the other two establishments).

3. The liberal establishment was very friendly with the Shah in Iran, Mobutu in the Congo and Suharto in Indonesia, "but in general is much more concerned about public opinion and won't associate itself very openly with questionable regimes and opposition leaders."

JFK (right)

4. John F. Kennedy was opposed by all three establishments by the time of his death.

5. Ted Shackley was "with almost no doubt" a high-level insider to the Kennedy assassination.

He had ties "to the conservative establishment and maintained a relationship with the Mossad."

One of Ted Shackley's low level employees at the time of the Kennedy assassination, Porter Goss, has been tied to Venice Airport operations from where the most important hijackers operated.

Goss and his friend, Senator Graham were meeting with the alleged ISI financier of the hijackers on the morning of 9/11; both friends then proceeded to head the Joint 9/11 Intelligence Inquiry.

Goss finally became the new CIA chief.

6. George Shultz, and the Pilgrims John Whitehead and Caspar Weinberger, were undermined during the Reagan administration by CIA-linked conservative establishment figures as William Casey, Ted Shackley, General Poindexter, Oliver North and others.

Mark Lane

7. The conspiracy community "has been completely infiltrated by different establishments".

◦Mark Lane: JFK assassination researcher alongside Jim Garrison later became the lawyer for the Jonestown cult and was evacuated along with the CIA's Richard Dwyer when the killings began.

◦Regnery family: owners of Regnery Publishing and members of the American Security Council. Regnery Publishing was allegedly financed by the CIA in the early days of the Cold War. Regnery Press published the works of famous UFO investigators, a book in defense of the Moonie cult, and an early and controversial book on multiple personality disorder.

◦Clay Claiborne: writer for the Daily Kos. Supposedly is a left-wing activist but used to sit on the extreme-right ASC board with half a dozen high level CIA spooks. Claiborne also sat on the Religious Roundtable of Jerry Falwell in the 1980s.

◦Terry Arnold: a reported "State Department/CIA spook" set up the now defunct Intelligence Officers for 9/11 Truth. He is also a long-time columnist for the conspiracy site Rense, where he writes in opposition to Israel and neoconservative policy.

◦Greg Palast: "We spent a long time very carefully looking at that [controlled demolition] and that just didn't happen."

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