Thursday 24 November 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I hope that each of you has had a very blessed day. Today, and always, I am thankful for:

My family. They may drive me crazy at times, and vice versa, but I love them with all my heart.

My friends. So many of you are family to me and I am beyond lucky to have each of you in my life. You help me soar but also know when to pull me back down to ground.

My Tyson. Yeah, he has cranky face on most of the time, but he shows love in his own way on a daily basis.

My job. It may not be glamorous, but it is all mine and I am thankful to have it and to enjoy what I do.

Those that provide entertainment, inspiration, and creativity in my life through their own efforts.

The brave men and women that dedicate their lives to ensuring that we continue to be free and safe. Their sacrifice is the ultimate and they deserve all the respect and blessings in the world.

I hope you count your blessings today and make sure to tell those that make your life better how happy you are to have them.

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