Sunday 6 November 2011



Nazis and the CIA's MK ULTRA in Chile - Colonia Dignidad: Welcome To Hell r

A Conservative friend of Israel, with Jewish-Libyan-Italian family background- Debating Libya

Iran (unlikely to be attacked) is on everybody's mind

Kelly - 15 years old
By Rudi Roels

"Could Jews become a minority in Israel? Higher Palestinian birth rates could lead to power shift in one-state solution"

"'Hannibal' policy: Israel's plan to kill its own soldiers" I'm certain the 2006 Jewish attack on Lebanon was started by sending Israeli soldiers over the border with the intent that they be killed. The Jews are a hive, and each individual is just another worker bee.

On the road again
By pablodadiablo

Making Saudi princes rich - Eid al-Adha 2011: 3m Muslims attend annual hajj pilgrimage.

Indonesian girl dies 'for want of money'

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