Sunday 6 November 2011


In the UK's Sunday Telegraph, on 6 November 2011, Nick Meo asks: as lawlessness spreads in Libya, are the rebel 'good guys' really the bad guys?

Nick Meo reports on how, in Tripoli, the forces of the new government kidnapped Abdul Mojan, stole his money, and stole the office block that he managed.

Many of Tripoli's residents have had similar experiences, writes Nick Meo.

The forces of the new government have been stealing cars, fridges and TV sets.

The government's gangs have been fighting each other.

"There have been three big fights in the capital alone in the past week; shoot-outs at a hospital, Martyr's Square, and the military airport, which have left several dead and dozens wounded."

The new government has been "rounding up hundreds of suspected Gaddafi supporters in a wide-scale witch-hunt, often on the basis of little more than rumour and accusation."

les images que ne montre pas les chaines TV de L'occident  .
The result of NATO's war - By PRIMAVERA

A businessman called Omar was kidnapped by government forces and taken away for torture.

One of Omar's relations reports: "Next day they turned up at his house, and threatened his wife and children. Can you believe this? We have hundreds of little Gaddafis now."

No government has been formed.

The former rebels cannot agree on how to share out power.

The new prime minister spent most of the last 30 years at universities in the USA.

The leader of one notorious government gang has taken up residence in the posh suburb of Regatta.

"Now the suburb has an eerie, deserted feeling.

"Doors and windows have been smashed so looters can get in, and the militias have spray-painted graffiti over walls."

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