Tuesday 1 November 2011


The King of Sweden and some scouts.

1. A Los Angeles Times and Canadian Broadcasting Corp. investigation has revealed that:

The Boy Scouts of America and Canada allowed at least five thousand child abusers to continue leading scouts, and having sex with scouts, for over 20 years.

One scout leader, Rick Turley, admits to abusing more boys than he can remember while serving in Boy Scouts organizations.

"It was easy," he said.

Records show Boy Scouts failed to report abuser

The King of Sweden and some scouts.

2. "King Carl XVI Gustaf's 'annus horribilis' started last November with the publication of The Reluctant Monarch, a exposé of his playboy past detailing the sex parties hosted for him and his friends by Mille Markovic, a Serbian gangster."

King Carl XVI Gustaf's 'annus horribilis'


3. "The Swedish Supreme Court judge who admitted to paying a 20-year old rent boy for sex will keep his job, the chancellor of justice has decided...

"The head of the court, Bo Svensson, told Dagens Nyheter that his colleague's extra-curricular research could be an advantage..."

Rent boy judge to keep job - The Local


4. "The head of an orphanage in Poland is awaiting trial for renting out boys to homosexuals in Sweden ..."

Bucharest boys muscle in on Dutch trade. / Polish orphans 'rented out' for sex in West.


5. Chris Myers is a Republican mayor in New Jersey, in the USA.

On 23 October 2011, we learn that Chris Myers is alleged to have paid $500 to hire a young male prostitute while in California in 2010.


"The prostitute alleges Mr Myers, who is married with two children, promised to buy him a car and a recording studio but failed to do so, prompting him to set up a website detailing their alleged encounter.

"The website also featured photographs of Mr Myers, 46, asleep on a hotel bed wearing only a pair of blue Calvin Klein briefs, and of what was claimed to be Mr Myers's town hall security pass."

New Jersey mayor embroiled in male prostitute sex scandal over.

6. According to the UK's Daily Record 15/08/2009 (Website)

"A LEGAL Aid boss, who was arrested in a toilet with a rent boy, has kept his job and won't be struck off as a lawyer.

"Douglas Haggarty, 58, was found with the teenager by security guards in British Home Stores in the St Enoch Centre, Glasgow, in January.

"The head of legal services at the Scottish Legal Aid Board, where his duties include lecturing lawyers on their conduct, was charged with soliciting in a public place.

"But his lawyer, Paul McBride, QC, claimed there was not enough evidence and charges were dropped.

"The Crown Office said Haggarty had been dealt with by a direct measure but would not say whether it was a warning letter, fine or other penalty.

"Now the Law Society of Scotland have revealed he will face no professional sanctions.

"The high-flying lawyer, who lives in Glasgow's Merchant City, went off sick from work after the incident but is understood to have been back for several months.

"Charges against the teenager were also dropped."

Website for this image

Website for this image

7. "An Observer investigation in UK cities reveals that hundreds of boys, some as young as 10, are being forced to prostitute themselves daily while society looks the other way, reluctant to confront the issue." (Boys aged 10 for sale in sex scandal The Observer)

8. On 1 December 1991, the Independent on Sunday referred to former Police Superintendent Gordon Anglesea and children's home Bryn Estyn in North Wales (Chief Superintendent Gordon Anglesea.):

"According to former residents at Bryn Estyn, Gordon Anglesea, a former senior North Wales police officer, was a regular visitor there. He recently retired suddenly without explanation. Another serving officer has been accused of assaulting a child at Ty'r Felin."

On 13 September 1992 the Observer newspaper wrote (Chief Superintendent Gordon Anglesea.):

"A former police chief has been named as a prime suspect in the North Wales child sexual abuse scandal, police sources in the region confirmed last night. . . The ex-police chief is due to be questioned this week as evidence emerges that staff in some children's homes `lent' children to convicted paedophiles for week-ends."

On 27 January 1993, Private Eye magazine (Chief Superintendent Gordon Anglesea.) had an article about the North Wales investigations criticising what it regarded as the apparent reluctance of the North Wales Police to prosecute "no fewer than 12 serving and former colleagues" for sexual offences involving young boys who had been in care over a 20 year period.

According to the article:

"The reluctance has nothing to do with the involvement of a number of the local great and good as members of a paedophile ring, which regularly used homes, like the now-closed Bryn Estyn near Wrexham, to supply boys for sex to local celebrities.

"In the late 1970s, Superintendent Anglesea of the North Wales Police was appointed to investigate an allegation of buggery made by X against the son of a then member of the North Wales police authority. The Superintendent found there was no case to answer. Coincidentally the police authority member and Superintendent Anglesea were prominent masons."

Anglesea brought proceedings for libel.

The defendants relied upon the evidence of three former Bryn Estyn residents.

Two of them alleged that Anglesea had both indecently assaulted and buggered them.

The third gave evidence of a joint indecent assault by Anglesea and house master PeterHowarth.

Two other witnesses, a housemother at Bryn Estyn, who was also a policeman's wife, and a probation officer who had been attached to the staff of the home for three months whilst on a training course gave evidence of having seen Anglesea at Bryn Estyn.

Gordon Anglesea won damages of £375,000.

9. Marc Dutroux was part of a mafia-style operation which kidnapped and killed children and which organised orgies for top people including politicians and police. It has been widely reported by witnesses that police officers attended 'Nihouls orgies at the chateau'. aangirfan: Marc Dutroux

10. The following people linked to the Kennedy assassination were reportedly gay:

Jack Ruby, Clay Shaw, Lee Harvie Oswald, David Ferrie, JD Tippit, George de Mohrenschildt, Edwin Walker, Herbert Hoover, Clyde Tolson, Louis Bloomfield, James Jesus Angleton, Cardinal Spellman ... (Homosexuality & JFK Assn - The Education Forum)

The Kennedy assassination is linked to boy-loving Nazis, Bilderberg, Mafia dons and various fascist oligarchs - all connected to the CIA and Mossad. (DAVID FERRIE, CLAY SHAW, GAY NAZIS ...)


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