Thursday 24 November 2011


English schoolboys - Photoshopped

The Global Debt Crisis: How Things Got This Screwed Up

Greg Palast on where the money went!

Jesse Ventura: How Corrupt Republicans and Corrupt Democrats Ruined America


The Looting: The Libyan Circus Continues


So the Abbottabad raid was a soft coup?

Your average back garden in the 1950s.


Mud - Buitenzorg

Britain’s Cover-Up of Inside Job in Fatal RAF Chinook Crash


Libya now has concentration camps where prisoners are tortured.

"Thousands of people, including women and children, are being illegally detained" according to a report by the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

"Many of the prisoners are suffering torture and systematic mistreatment."

"Up to 7,000 new 'enemies of the state'" have "disappeared" into the concentration camps.

The report says that "an estimated 7,000 detainees are currently held in prisons and makeshift detention centres, most of which are under the control of revolutionary brigades, with no access to due process in the absence of a functioning police and judiciary."

Of particular worry is the fate of women and children who have been locked up.

"There have also been reports of women held in detention in the absence of female guards and under male supervision, and of children detained alongside adults," says the report.

A number of black Africans have been lynched.

The report says that "Some detainees have reportedly been subjected to torture and ill treatment. Cases have been reported of individuals being targeted because of the colour of their skin."

The document continues: Some Libyans are reported to have been "taken by armed men from their homes... and hospitals, and some allegedly later abused or executed in detention."

Ban Ki-moon "presents a grim scenario of the growing power of the armed militias" who control Tripoli and many towns.

These militias are involved in continuing "gun battles resulting in deaths and injuries."


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