Sunday 20 November 2011


Tunis, not Wall St.


It did not start on Wall Street.

Some months ago, the CIA organised the OCCUPATION of down town Tunis.

Tunisia now has an Islamist government.

Tunisia now has more poverty and more crime.

On 10 November 2011, we learn that Tunisia's economy is now in big trouble.

Economic Indicators Cause for Concern

Foreign currency reserves have fallen and now cover only 115 days of imports.

There has been a big drop in tourism receipts and remittances from Tunisians living abroad.

The unemployment rate has shot up to 18.3%.

GDP has fallen by 5 per cent in recent months and is not expected to be above 0-1 per cent for the year as a whole.

Cairo, 20 November 2011.

Who benefits from the CIA's Arab Spring which is leading to the destruction of North African countries?

Who benefits from the destruction of Moslem countries such as Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya...?

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