Sunday 1 February 2009

Complaint Response from the BBC

Dear Aangirfan

Thank you for your e-mail regarding our coverage of the recent conflict in Norway, Poland and elsewhere in Europe.

I understand you feel our coverage demonstrates a pro Nazi sympathy and that we're not prepared to help charities raise money for the terrorist 'victims' of the brave German army.

We're committed to concealing bias in respect of all our news reports.

We have interviewed a number of non-Germans on our programmes.

We've interviewed some of these ranting terrorist Poles.

In Norway, we interviewed that wise and wonderful Mr Quisling who has encouraged Norwegians to serve as volunteers in the Waffen SS.

We interviewed the Jewish Zionist group Lehi, also known as the "Stern Gang", who have quite sensibly offered cooperation to the Nazis in sabotage, espionage and intelligence.

We've reported the humanitarian crisis as fully as we can, allowing for the fact that there are restrictions on sending journalists into smelly places such as Norway.

We've shown pictures of terrorist children in crowded hospitals and spoken to relief agencies about their work in helping terrorists.

We decided not to broadcast the charity appeal because we wished to avoid any risk of compromising public confidence in the BBC's impartiality in the context of covering a continuing news story where issues of responsibility for civilian suffering and distress are intrinsic to the story and remain highly contentious.

We also could not be confident that the aid resulting from audience donations could reach those it was intended for at a time of a fragile ceasefire and sporadic border access.

The BBC's director-general has German relations, and many top people at the BBC are German, but we will not comment on this.

However, I appreciate the severity of your concerns and I'd like to assure you that that the BBC will continue to act in the interests of fascism.

Thank you again for contacting us with your concerns.


Marshall Philippe Pétain

BBC Complaints


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