Friday 1 July 2011


Lt Sara Hellawell

On 16 June 2011, a woman Navy officer was found dead in her cabin on the warship HMS Edinburgh. (Distraught family and HMS Edinburgh crew pay tribute to dead ...)

26 year-old Lt Sara Hellawell was discovered in her cabin by colleagues on HMS Edinburgh while the Portsmouth-based ship was docked in Angola.

William Stanesby

On 2 July 2011, we learn that 12 year old William Lippell Stanesby has been found hanged at the family home in Langton Green, near Tunbridge Wells in Kent in the UK.

(Navy chief's son, 12, dies in hanging accident Mail Online)

William's parents are David Stanesby, 62, a prep school bursar and ex-Royal Navy commander, and Sabrina Lippell, 55, a Royal Navy reservist commander.

Commander Sabrina Lippell receiving her commendation from the Second Sea Lord, Vice Admiral Adrian Johns (A quiet revolution - Sabrina Lippell, Transformation Strategic Communications Advisor, reflects on the transformation of the Royal Navy Fleet.)

William is described as being an 'effervescent character', a talented cricketer, musician and chorister.

He attended the Judd School in Tonbridge, Kent.

An inquest in September 2011 recorded an open verdict.

In December 2011, this verdict was overturned and the coroner recorded a new verdict of misadventure.

The second inquest came after William's classmates, at the Judd School in Tonbridge, Kent, told teachers that he had 'previously played the choking game' and that he had shown them what he did.

The game has reportedly killed at least 11 other children in the UK.

Detective Inspector Simon Davy told the inquest that classmates had told a teacher that William had been 'experimenting with what they called the fainting game'.

Pathologist Dr Simon Poole said the cause of death was hanging.

Senior investigating officer Detective Inspector Simon Davy referred to "local speculation" that "behaviour" at Judd School in Tonbridge could have contributed to William's death.

William had been under the care of the NHS Children's and Adolescents Mental Health Service and discharged after a "satisfactory assessment".

'Fainting game' claimed life of tragic 12-year-old This is Kent

The former Metropolitan Police Commissioner Lord Condon lives in Langton Green.

Lt Commander Ian Molyneux Website for this image

In April 2011, Lieutenant Commander Ian Molyneux, 36, was shot dead on board HMS Astute, a nuclear submarine, as it was docked in Southampton.

His comrade, Lt Cmdr Chris Hodge, was also shot. (Lieutenant Commander Ian Molyneux shot dead aboard HMS Astute ...)


aangirfan: Portsmouth, New Forest, MI6
aangirfan: Terrorists and Portsmouth and 9 11.
aangirfan: Cover-up of the Jersey-Portsmouth link?
aangirfan: Jersey, Southampton and Portsmouth

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